Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra

Department of Sanskrit Pali and Prakrit


The Department of Sanskrit, the first Post-graduate Department of Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra was established in 1956 as a unitary and residential university with the chief objective of promoting higher studies and research in Sanskrit, Indian Philosophy and religion, Indian History, Culture and Archaeology.

The Department is associated with a number of nationally and internationally reputed universities and centres of advance research in Sanskrit and allied fields through visiting faculty, special lectures, seminars and workshops with a view to synergize the classical and contemporary works in Sanskrit with modern methodology of learning and researches.

Courses Offered

=> Master Of Arts (M.A.)
=> Master Of Philosophy (M.Phil)
=> Doctor Of Philosophy (Ph.D)


Library:The Departmental Library is in possession of around 2009 books, 459 M.Phil. dissertations and 247 Ph.D. theses besides a number of journals received from time to time which are consulted by the students, research scholars and teachers.

Teaching Labs/Class Rooms: The Department has three class rooms.

Equipments: The Dept has 1 smart class room with interactive board and L.C.D. projector; 8 computers, 1 xerox machine, 1 overhead projector, 1 television set, 1 audio system and 1 video camera. All the computers have internet connectivity through cable/wi-fi.


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