The Electronic Science Department was established in 1990 with the aim of generating specially trained manpower in the highly sophisticated field of Microelectronics, Integrated Circuit Design, Fabrication and Semiconductor Material Technology. This Department was established with funding from the then Department of Electronics (now, Ministry of Communication & Information Technology), Government of India, UGC and Haryana State Government.
This Department is running a four semester M.Sc. course in Electronic Science since 1990. A M.Tech. Course in Microelectronics & VLSI Design was started in 2005 and a M.Tech. Course in Nano Science & Technology was started in 2008. All of these courses are job oriented with provision for project work and industrial training.
=> Master Of Science (M.Sc.) Electronic Science
=> Master Of Technology (M.Tech.) Microelectronics & VLSI Design
=> Master Of Technology (M.Tech.) Nano Science & Technology
Department provides students with an inbuilt library facility which has about 2166 books on latest topics, magazines and 4 journals and other reference material.
Teaching labs
Basic Circuit and Devices Lab
This lab has many test and measurement instruments, Digital and analog Oscilloscopes, Curve Tracer, Hall Effect measurement setup, Four-Probe setup and a number of kits for digital and analog circuits.
IC processing Lab
This lab has a thermal evaporation based thin film-coating unit, deionised water plant, mask aligner, laminar flow chemical bench, photoresist coater, diffusion, oxidation and annealing furnaces and other facilities for IC fabrication.
VLSI Design Lab
This lab has different software tools mentioned below for design of ICs.
Mentor Graphics –30 Licenses for digital design and for backend design including IC layout
MATLAB – 5 Licenses for use in Communication and DSP based design
IMAGE- An open source based digital IC lab with a 1 million gates FPGA board with shared capabilities for 10 nodes is also the part of this lab
Electronic Communication Lab
This lab is intended to give practical exposure to the Microwave and Communication techniques. It has microwave benches and communication kits to perform the basic and advances experiments
Microprocessor and embedded systems Lab
This lab is well equipped with 8086 microprocessors kits as well as 8051 microcontroller kits along with computers for using cross-assemblers. Students start with basic programming techniques and go up hardware interfacing and microprocessor/microcontroller development system
Device and Material Characterization Lab
This lab has a Atomic force Microscope, a Surface Profilometer, Keithley simultaneous C-V analyzer, Keithley Programmable Electrometer, Le-Croy Digital Storage Oscilloscope, Digital and Analog high frequency Oscilloscopes, Logic Analyzer, Ellipsometer, Scanning probe Microscope, UV-Vis Spectrometer, XRD and other test and measurement equipment
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