Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra

Department of Geography

Department of Geography

Department of Geography started in 1963 at undergraduate level and subsequently elated to postgraduate level in 1967. At present the department is running three post graduate courses, M.Sc., M.Phil. & Ph.D. These courses in geography prepare the students for pursuing career in academics, teaching, urban and regional planning, applications of Remote Sensing and Geographical Information Systems and various public services.
The faculty of Geography is pursuing research in the broad fields of Agricultural Geography, Urban Geography, Environmental Geography, Health Geography, Gender Geography, Rural Settlement Geography, Geomorphology, and Remote Sensing & GIS Applications for Resource Evaluation.

Courses Offered

=> Master Of Science (M.Sc.)
=> Master Of Philosophy (M.Phil)
=> Doctor Of Philosophy (Ph.D)



Currently the Jawaharlal Nehru Central Library of the university receives nine international and six national journals / periodicals of geography in hard copies. Beside this there are a number of online journals of Geography and allied disciplines have been made available by the library for the use of researchers and students of geography. The library also has a rich collection of textbooks as well as reference books of geography and sister sciences and the library resources are continuously being supplemented and updated. Beside this the department also maintains a departmental library which has about 700 books 350 copies of journals in stock for ready reference and short term loan to students and teachers.

Teaching Labs

The department houses four laboratories for carrying out teaching and research work, i.e. Cartographic Laboratory, Photogrammetry, Aerial Photo Interpretation/Morphometry Laboratory, and Computer Cartography/GIS Laboratory. The department has developed GIS and Computer Cartography Laboratory which has the facilities of GIS software such as Arc GIS and ERDAS for digital processing of imageries and mapping. We are continuously strengthening the capabilities of digital processing, mapping and computation of social and economic data.


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