The Department of Physics came into existence in July 1961 with the admission of ten students to B.Sc.(Hons) Ist year class. Late Professor K. K. Nagpaul was the founder Head of the Department. M.Sc. teaching was introduced in July, 1963. Within a few years the Department was equipped with full-fledged laboratories for teaching and research.
=> Master Of Science (M.Sc.) Physics
=> Doctor Of Philosophy (Ph.D) Physics
The Department of Physics has one Departmental Library having about 5000 books and subscription to 30 Research Journals covering different fields of specializations like Materials Science, Solid State Physics, Optics & Spectroscopy, Nuclear Physics, Electronics, High Energy Physics etc.
Teaching Labs
The Department of Physics has 10 Teaching Labs for M.Sc. (previous) and M.Sc. (final) year students. In M.Sc. Previous Lab., students perform experiments based on general topics like Optics, Lasers, Electronics, Nuclear Physics, Solid State Physics etc. In M.Sc. Final Lab., students perform experiments linked to the various specialisations. For each optional paper, a separate Lab is maintained. Some of the facilities of various research labs are also made available to the students for a better exposure of the subject. Our labs are well modernised through DST/UGC and University grants.
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