Banaras Hindu University (BHU), Varanasi

Department of Psychology


Department of Psychology

.The Department of Psychology is one of the premier Department which, right from its inception in the year 1949, has incessantly strived to inculcate the motto of scientific rigour in its students. The Department obtained its independent status in 1962 and it has maintained its tradition of equal emphasis on experimentation as well as on applied areas. It has 7 well-equipped laboratories that are currently the most advanced in this country and can compete with any good laboratory abroad. Alive to the urgent need of providing dynamic, synergetic, professionally well-equipped, and humanistically sensitive personnel managers who are able to cope with the in coordinately challenging organizational demands, the Department of Psychology launched an innovative and job oriented two year's (4-Semesters) Master of Personnel Management and Industrial Relations Course. The Department believes that it is essential to train such personnel managers who are deeply committed to humanistic and egalitarian social ethos and who decisively put man above machine.

Department of Psychology
Banaras Hindu University
Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh


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