=> We believe incorporating basic sciences and their scientific Principles in all the medical surgical nursing procedures to promote qualitypatient care.
=> We agree that provision of full –fledged clinical experience promotes skill of the nursing students.
=> We appreciate the development of desirable as basic to synchronize knowledge and practice.
=> We augment the hands on experience in the fundamentals and medical – surgical laboratories strengthen the psycho motor domain of the nursing students.
=> We accept the concept of clinical supervision by the nursing teachers and supervisors for the nursing student to ensure holistic patient care.
=> We realize that the utilization of modern technology advancement enhances teaching-learning. We acknowledge the evidence-based practice to answer current issues in nursing practice.
=> To practice quality patient care in acute sub acute and chronic phase of illness.
=> To provide medical –surgical nursing care effectively to patients and family.
=> To incorporate nursing process application in the clinical set up.
=> To develop ability in the maintenance of standardized medical –surgical nursing care. To guide nursing student as resource person for professional activities. To prepare the nursing students to utilize various teaching and learning methods both in class room and clinical area. To amalgamate the principles of rehabilitation at each stage of illness.
=> To keep abreast with latest advancement in the field of medical –surgical nursing. To utilize appropriate evaluation techniques on the nursing care provided.
=> To promote evidence based nursing practice by research activities in the field of medical –surgical nursing. -
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