
VMSR Vastrad Arts, Science Vijaya Mahantesh Commerce College, Hungund

VMSR Vastrad Arts, Science Vijaya Mahantesh Commerce College, Hungund
City Bagalkot, Karnataka, India
Established 1967
Affiliated to Karnatak University, Dharwad

VMSR Vastrad Arts, Science Vijaya Mahantesh Commerce College, Hungund was established in the year 1967, VMSR Vastrad Arts, Science Vijaya Mahantesh Commerce College, Hungund is affiliated to Karnatak University, Dharwad

Admission Notices

    S.R. VASTRAD ARTS, SCIENCE AND VIJAY MAHANTESH COMMERCE COLLEGE, HUNGUND, BAGALKOT DISTRICT AFFILIATED TO KARNATAKA UNIVERSITY, DHARWAD. This college caters to the needs of educationally and economically backward rural population of the rural area of Hungund in Bagalkot district of Karnataka state.
    The college came in to being in 1967. The campus is spread on 21 acre land. It is a five independent buildings complex with a built up area of 34649 Sq.Ft. The nucleus of the buildings comprises 18 spacious and functional teaching blocks. Library is a separate building with a built up area of 2625 Sq.Ft. The laboratories are well equipped and are spacious in yet another separate part of the building.

    The vision and mission statements are designed with focus on imparting knowledge and inculcating values in the rural poor through modern education. The emblem of the college is also very appropriate with 'Jyoti' at the center to enlighten in all directions. The objectives are clearly stated and listed out which are very comprehensive.

    The college is affiliated to Karnataka University, Dharwad and is under grant-in-aid. It came under 2(F) and 12(B) of UGC in 1968 and 1994 respectively. It is note worthy that immediately after one year of its establishment, the college could become eligible for UGC developmental grants.

    The college offers three under graduate courses like B.A., B.Sc. and B.Com. There are five Science departments, seven Arts departments, one Commerce department and one computer Science department.

    The teaching faculty consists of twelve permanent teachers, two of them with M.Phil. qualification. There are thirteen temporary teachers, one of them is an M.Phil. degree holder. Out of the twelve part time teachers, one is an M.Phil. qualified person. There are nine administrative staff but no technical staff are listed.

    The student strength is to the tune of 376 out of whom 249 are women students, and 127 male students. But yet there are only two female teachers, one permanent and the other part time teacher.

    The academic programmes are run under Annual system.

    Besides the regular academic departments, support services like a central library, a computer center, sports facilities, Hostels, a guest house, a canteen and a grievance redressal cell are functioning.

    A notable feature of this college is that there are three residential and boarding facilities. Since 1915, a free boarding house is being run successfully with the help of local donors and without Government help. It is accommodating 200 economically disadvantaged students on cosmopolitan lines. There is a boys hotel recently renovated with more facilities. In 2001, women's new residential home was started to provide hostel facilities for lady students.

    There are a variety of scholarships provided by the state and central governments. In addition local donors have instituted a number of scholarships, cash prizes, rolling shields, etc to encourage students in curricular and co-curricular activities.
    An alumni association has started functioning from December 2002, which is a registered body. This body has been very active.

    Section 02 : Criterion-wise Analysis.
    Criterion 01 : Curricular Aspects
    As an affiliated college of the Karnataka University, Dharwad, the college follows the syllabi prescribed by the university. The courses offered come under the Arts, Science and Commerce degree courses. The temporal plan of the academic work is in the annual pattern.
    In keeping with the objectives of the college to provide university education to the rural students and make them compete with the urban students, the programmes identified by the college are meaningful.

    The university provides wide-ranging options, but the students of this college have flexibility to pursue programmes with respect to elective options only.

    A few members of the faculty are members of the respective Board of Studies and play some role in curricular design. There is an academic audit by the Local Inquiry Committee formed by the University and the District task force.

    The college encourages the teachers to attend / organize seminars, refresher courses, orientation programmes.

    The college prepares an academic calendar every year. Various committees monitor different curricular aspects. Quality circles are constituted to redress academic and personal grievances of students. There is a mechanism to appraise the performance of the faculty in teaching. Students also evaluate the teachers.

    Criterion 02 :Teaching-learning and Evaluation
    The curriculum is transacted through teaching, learning and evaluation. Admissions to the various programmes are through their academic records.

    By way of coaching for weak students, remedial courses are given in English and Mathematics. Teachers act as guardians and advisors to guide them. Advanced learners and the S.C. & S.T. students are given special care by providing them one library book extra to help them to develop their academic potentials.

    The overall performance of the students in the beginning of the year is monitored by scrutinizing the results of the previous year.

    Quality circles are constituted to redress academic and personal grievances of students. To check the work efficiency of the non-teaching staff, another quality circle with a staff member as an advisor functions in the college. The infrastructure of the college is well maintained with he assistance of the senior faculty members though a quality circle.

    Student's evaluation of teachers is done twice a year through a structured format as per the directive from the Govt. of Karnataka.

    Departmental meetings are held and teaching plan is prepared and the examination committee monitors this. Many learner-centred-approaches such as conducting seminars, group discussions, study tours, etc. are followed to supplement the lecture methods.

    The college provides audio, video equipments such as OHP, VCR, T.V., etc. as teaching aids.

    Internet facility is under process having made a beginning with Commerce Department.

    The college has 13 permanent teaching staff with two members having M..Phil. as their highest qualification. There are 30 temporary teachers and 20 non-teaching staff.

    The college follows the norms of the university in the recruitment of the faculty. The recruitment of the faculty is made through the open advertisement in the daily news papers. The interview and the selection is done by the duly constituted Local Selection Committee. The college has the freedom to appoint temporary / Adhoc teaching staff.

    The college follows a self-appraisal method to evaluate the teachers. Appraisal of teachers is submitted to the DCE quarterly, bi annually and annually. The students also appraise the teachers, the suggestion box plays a major role in fulfilling the requirements of the students.

    Teachers are motivated to participate in national / state level seminars, conferences, refresher and orientation courses.

    Criterion 03 : Research, Consultancy and Extension
    The main thrust of the college is in the teaching rather than on research. The college permits teachers to do their M.Phil. / Ph.D. by extending sufficient leave facility.

    Only two teachers have registered for research, one full time and one part time.

    The college has a designated person for extension activities as an additional charge. Several extension activities like health & hygiene awareness, AIDS awareness, social work, medical camp, blood donation camp are conducted in villages nearby. A diabetic detection camp was conducted and medicines distributed and for severe cases, by way of follow up action, they were referred to the hospitals for treatment. The Botany department in association with the Karnataka Rajya Vignana Parishat conducts World Environmental Day which needs special mention. The college has extension activities with both GO's and NGO's .

    Some teachers have published books which are prescribed by the Karnataka University for P.U.C. and B.A. level.

    Criterion 04 : Infrastructure & Learning Resources
    The college is situated in an area of 21 acres. The college building has enough space for class rooms, laboratories, library, etc.

    The college ensures the optimum use of the available infrastructure not only by the students but also other external agencies for conducting various programmes. The finance needed for various activities are met through government / UGC / management funds.

    The college has an auditorium to conduct various programmes.

    Library automation is in final stages for student access. A ladies room with indoor sports facility is provided. The college library has an advisory committee. The college library has a collection of 26,000 books, 7 journals and 23 periodicals. A book bank facility is also attached with the library. In addition to this there is a small collection of audio, video cassettes.

    The Zoology & Botany department have taken effort to establish museum and Botanical garden.

    General medical check up and blood grouping is done for all students once a year. Blood donation camps are organized by the college.

    The college has a play ground where facilities for many outdoor sports like track and field events, Cricket, Kho-Kho, Kabaddi, Ball-Badminton, Volley ball, etc. are provided. There is a multi purpose gymnasium. Outstanding sports persons are honored with prizes and mementoes. More than 41 students of this college were University Blues. One student is representing the National Kho-Kho team as Captain.

    Hostel facility is provided both for boys and girls. There is a free boarding & lodging facility for needy women students. This facility is extended by the management, with the help of local donors.

    A subsidized canteen facility is also extended.

    Criterion 05 : Student Support and Progression
    The college publishes its prospectus every year which contains information about profile of the college, admission rules, fee structure, courses offered etc.

    73% of students appear for qualifying examination and the dropout rate is 27%.

    A number of students of this college obtain financial aid through different types of scholarships, National Loan Scholarships, Various state scholarships, scholarships instituted by local donors.

    The college has recently started a formal Alumni Association, even though informally many have been contributing to the development of the college. They take positive interest in the development of the institution. Many prominent members of the association are well placed.

    The college provides various facilities for sports activities indoor games and outdoor games.

    Some students have secured university ranks.

    Criterion 06 : Organization and Management
    The policies relating to implementation of the academic programmes are, looked after by the various committees like the Management Committee, Staff committee and heads of various departments, college union, etc. The committees recommend various measures to improve the organization.

    College brings out an annual magazine which is a platform for student's creativity.

    The quality circle enables the students to improve their academic standards as well as helps in attending to their grievances.

    The college has an inbuilt mechanism to check the work efficiency of non-teaching staff.

    The college administration has organized a co-operative society. This provides financial assistance to the teaching & non-teaching staff members. The college has an effective procedure for purchase of major items.

    Criterion 07 : Healthy Practices
    The college provides free boarding home for students on cosmopolitan lines.

    In order to maintain high quality in education , the college makes quality assessment at levels of functioning of teaching, students performance and developmental activities.

    The counselor looks after the career guidance cell by informing the students about various courses and also employment opportunities.

    Non-teaching members are educated to maintain work diaries so as to ensure that work is not kept pending.

    Student evaluation of teachers helps in performance appraisal of teachers.

    A suggestion box is kept for students to ventilate their problems.

    The college encourages good academic, co-curricular and sports performance and as a result there are achievers at the university level exams, in sports competitions at various levels as well as achievers in NCC also.

    Majority of students being women, there is a women's forum actively interacting on various women related topics, thereby creating considerable amount of awareness among these rural girl students.

    As the college is owned by a trust run by spiritualists, value based education is given due importance along with inculcation of civic responsibilities among students.

    Section 03 : Over all Analysis.
    Peer team after going through the information furnished in the self study report and after its visit to the various academic and physical-facilities have identified the following as the strengths of the college.

    The college is producing good results. A couple of students have even acquired First & Second ranks in certain disciplines at university level.

    There are adequate infra structural facilities for curricular, co-curricular and extra curricular activities. The students of this college have secured many prizes at national & university level competitions.

    Mechanism of solving grievances of the students and staff members needs special mention.
    Inter disciplinary academic activities of the college are commendable.

    Teacher's evaluation of students enables the teachers to improve their teaching-learning practices.

    There is an effective functioning of quality circle which helps to maintain higher standards.

    A unit of N.C.C. is contributing to the total development of the students.

    Keeping in view of the affiliated nature of the college, the Peer Team makes the following suggestions.

    Steps to be taken to start need based PG programmes, which are very much in demand and add-on courses like hotel management, tourism, information technology.

    All students may be exposed to computer literacy programmes, which require strengthening of computer lab with more terminals. Similarly all the staff, teaching & non-teaching need to be brought in to the computer literacy programme.

    Automation of the library & the college office to be completed soon.

    Modern education technology needs to be used effectively in the class-room, for further strengthening teaching-learning process.

    Teachers may be motivated and guided to explore the UGC grants for minor & major research projects.

    More number of journals needed to be subscribed.

    All students may be provided access to internet-facility.

    Parent-teachers association needs to be strengthened.
    All departments be encouraged to collaborate with institutions of higher learning with national / international repute.

    Institution may attempt establishing an interface between the local industries through a memorandum of understanding in order to provide practical exposure.

    Commerce department can focus on establishing an entrepreneurial development cell.

    This was the only college in the region and has acquired a good reputation for itself through consistent good performance. Today it is the most preferred college by most of the parents. Despite this being a predominantly agriculture based, dry and drought prone rural area, it is commendable that the community has perceived education as the prime requisite for development. The college is equally matching in its efforts at reshaping the destinies of youth of this region. We wish to complement the Principal and the staff both teaching and non-teaching for their systematic hard work and the manner in which documentation is taken care of. The benevolent management's philanthropic outlook is highly commendable.

    VMSR Vastrad Arts, Science Vijaya Mahantesh Commerce College, Hungund offers various graduate courses as well as Post Graduate courses.

    Bachelors Degree Courses

    Bachelor of Science (BSc)

    VMSR Vastrad Arts, Science & Vijaya Mahantesh Commerce College, Hungund offers 3 Years Full Time Bachelors Degree in Bachelor of Science (B.Sc)

    View Details Duration: 3 Years    Learning Mode: Full Time    Course Level: Bachelors Degree

    Bachelor of Arts (BA)

    VMSR Vastrad Arts, Science & Vijaya Mahantesh Commerce College, Hungund offers 3 Years Full Time Bachelors Degree in Bachelor of Arts (BA)

    View Details Duration: 3 Years    Learning Mode: Full Time    Course Level: Bachelors Degree

    Bachelor of Commerce (BCom)

    VMSR Vastrad Arts, Science & Vijaya Mahantesh Commerce College, Hungund offers 3 Years Full Time Bachelors Degree in Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com)

    View Details Duration: 3 Years    Learning Mode: Full Time    Course Level: Bachelors Degree
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    VMSR Vastrad Arts, Science Vijaya Mahantesh Commerce College, Hungund is affiliated to Karnatak University, Dharwad.

    Click here to browse Karnatak University, Dharwad Examination Results


    VMSR Vastrad Arts, Science Vijaya Mahantesh Commerce College, Hungund is affiliated to Karnatak University, Dharwad. Browse Karnatak University, Dharwad Time Tables


    List of facilities available at VMSR Vastrad Arts, Science Vijaya Mahantesh Commerce College, Hungund for students.

    • wifi
    • Library
    • Sports
    • Transportation
    • Hostels
    • Healthcare
    • Internet
    • Cafeteria
    • Computer Labs