Sudarsan Mahavidyalaya, Cuttack

Sudarsan Mahavidyalaya, Cuttack
Locality Bayalishi Mauza
Established 1980
Affiliated to Utkal University, Bhubaneshwar
Address Dadhibamanpur, Odisha 754112
Phone 9439100589
Email [email protected]
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Sudarsan Mahavidyalaya, Cuttack was established in the year 1980, Sudarsan Mahavidyalaya, Cuttack is affiliated to Utkal University, Bhubaneshwar

Admission Notices

    Sudarshan Mahavidyalaya is situated in Orissa. The Sudarshan Mahavidyalaya was started and now in a good condition also. The Sudarshan Mahavidyalaya have the hostel facilities and all other infrastructures. Sudarshan Mahavidyalaya, Sudarshan Mahavidyalaya provide Bachelor degree courses.

    Sudarsan Mahavidyalaya Sudarsan College, At/Po- Dadhibamanpur was established on 17th November, 1980 with only six nos. of students which has reached at one thousand at present.

    Though it was proposed for 42 Mouza College, finally that was resolved and registered to be named "Sudarsan Mahavidyalaya", 42 Mouza, because of his donation amounting more than one lakh by that time. The college was initially started in the adjacent Parbati Vidyapitha and shifted to its own land and building in 1983 and subsequently the college govt its recognition and CHSE Affiliation in the year 1983-84 with 72 seats in +2 Arts stream.

    In the year1986 the seat strength was increased to 128 seats with a new subject Sanskrit. By that time 42 Mouza was not directly connected with Cuttack City as it was delta of River Kathajodi and Sidhua. In the year 1988 the student flow started from Cuttack city and outside as the Jhinkiria Bridge was opened. The demand of students encouraged the management to increase +2 Arts seats from 128 to 192 and also opened +3 Arts with 64 seats in the year 1991. The same flow and demand of the students from the locality paved way for opening of +2 Science with 64 seats in 1993-94. In the year 1994 the college was declared as Aided College by the Govt. of Odisha which was released in 1996. Again in 1998 the college credited to open to more Hons subjects such as History and Pol. Science. In this process of growth the +3 Arts seats of 64 was increased to 128 seats with new subject Sanskrit. In the year 2008 and 2009 most of employees of both +2 and +3 wing of the college came under Block Grant Aid policy.

    In the recent past of 2014 Odia Hons was opened with 16 seats in this college which was regular demand of the students. Relating to the physical growth of the college it is needless to mention that the present status is yet to reach the requirement of a full fledged college. The present Governing Body and Principal is trying their best develop the required physical status and academic achievement of the college. In the near future the college will come under RUSA and NAAC accreditation for its gradual development.

    Sudarsan Mahavidyalaya, Cuttack offers various graduate courses as well as Post Graduate courses.

    Bachelors Degree Courses

    Bachelor of Arts (BA)

    Sudarsan Mahavidyalaya, Cuttack offers 3 Years Full Time Bachelors Degree in Bachelor of Arts (BA)

    View Details Duration: 3 Years    Learning Mode: Full Time    Course Level: Bachelors Degree
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    Sudarsan Mahavidyalaya, Cuttack is affiliated to Utkal University, Bhubaneshwar.

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    Sudarsan Mahavidyalaya, Cuttack is affiliated to Utkal University, Bhubaneshwar. Browse Utkal University, Bhubaneshwar Time Tables


    List of facilities available at Sudarsan Mahavidyalaya, Cuttack for students.

    • wifi
    • Library
    • Sports
    • Transportation
    • Hostels
    • Healthcare
    • Internet
    • Cafeteria
    • Computer Labs