Assam Education

Study in Assam
Assam has a literacy rate of 73.18%. This is slight below the national average of 74.04%. Assam is the main educational hub for the northeastern states.

The main language for instruction is usually Assamese. Recently a large number of schools have come up that use English. English is used to teach at almost all higher educational institutions. Many State Government affiliated and all the CBSE affiliated schools in the state use English as their medium of instruction at the Higher Secondary level.

Assam has more than 14 universities.

In Assam, there are two organizations namely Directorate of Elementary Education and the Directorate of Higher Education under the Department of Education, Government of Assam. The Directorate of Higher Education caters to the Universities, Government Colleges, Non-Govt. (Provincialised) colleges, Ad-hoc Colleges, AffiliatedColleges, Ad-hoc Law Colleges, Asom Publication Board, ABILAC, Literary & Voluntary Organisations, Sanskrit and Pali Prakrit Tols, Asom Sanskrit Board, State Selection Board, Asom etc.
About Assam

Assam is located south of the eastern Himalayas. The state houses several top institutes offering education in Engineering, Medicine, Management, Law etc. along with general studies. Assam government joined hands with Australia-based Curtin University for setting up of a centre for advancement in education and research in the state. In the year 2014 India Tourism Development Corporation (ITDC) has signed an agreement with Assam down town University to offer a degree course in Hotel Management and Industrial Training. They will conduct a three-year Bachelors course in Hotel Management.

Assam has some premier institutes named Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, National Institute of Technology Silchar and Indian Institute of Information Technology. Some of the top universities of the state are Assam Science & Technical University, Assam Agricultural University, Assam University, Dibrugarh University, Gauhati University, Tezpur University, Kaziranga University, Assam Down Town University, Cotton College State University and Sankaradeva University of Health Sciences.

Top MBA colleges in Assam are - School of Management Science, Tezpur University, Department of Business Administration, Gauhati University, School of Management Studies, Assam University, Centre for Management Studies, Dibrugarh University, Assam Institute of Management, Guwahati, Kaziranga University and School of Business, Jorhat.




Assam's economy is based on agriculture and oil. Assam produces more than half of India's tea production. It has its own variety Camellia assamica. The state produces rice, rapeseed, mustard seed, jute, potato, sweet potato, banana, papaya, areca nut, sugarcane and turmeric. Assam's proximity to South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation countries such as Bangladesh, Nepal and Bhutan, benefits its trade.


The song O Mur Apunar Dex( O my endearing country,dex=desh=country), composed by Rasaraj Lakshminath Bezbaroa, is popularly accepted as the state anthem of the state of Assam. Assam traditionally has a hybrid culture, which has been developed due to cultural assimilation of different ethno-cultural groups under various politico-economic systems in different periods of history. Xorai, a traditional symbol of Assam, is a manufactured bell-metal object and an article of great respect and is used as a container medium while performing respectful offerings. The Gamosa is an article of great significance for the people of Assam.

Bihu is a series of three prominent festivals of Assam.

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