12th National Biennial Competition
The National Innovation Foundation (NIF), Department of Science and Technology, Government of India, invites applications for 12th National Biennial Competition. It aims to recognize, respect and reward grassroots technological innovators and traditional knowledge experts.
The Awards:
- The best three innovations will be awarded Rs 500,000 (National First), Rs 300,000 (National Second) and Rs 100,000 (National Third) each in different categories. NIF may also give a Life Time Achievement Award of Rs 750,000 to an outstanding innovator with demonstrated lifelong creativity.
- There will be several consolation prizes of Rs 10,000 each in different categories depending upon the incremental inventiveness and potential social and environmental impact. In addition, individuals and/or organizations that make extraordinary contributions in scouting grassroots innovations and traditional knowledge may also get recognition and awards worth Rs 100,000, Rs 50,000 and Rs 25,000 besides recognition to many others.
- Three most outstanding innovative ideas may be given prizes of Rs 50,000, 25,000 and 15,000. Certificate of appreciation may be given to herbal and traditional knowledge holders whose claims may not have been validated but whose contributions are worth emulating for the society.
- Technologists adding significant value to the people’s knowledge and creativity, and electronic/print journalists promoting grassroots innovations will also be recognized. Entries may be submitted along with copy of the reports.
Important Dates
The last date for submission of entries for the 12th biennial competition is March 31, 2021
- The outstanding entries will also be widely publicized in the Honey Bee Newsletter and through other media. Summary and/or details of the selected innovative practices and traditional knowledge practices included in the Register will be displayed at the websites of NIF with the Prior Informed Consent (unless such knowledge is already in the public domain) of the innovators/knowledge providers.
- Individuals, from the unorganized sectors of the society, who have achieved distinction in improving quality and productivity without the aid of formal institutions, are invited to participate in the National Biennial Competition for Unaided Green Grassroots Ideas, Innovations and Outstanding Traditional Knowledge. Ideas for innovative technologies which have not yet become products are also welcome.
- NIF is very keen that women knowledge holders/innovators participate in this campaign in as large a number as possible. We have had rather limited participation from women in the past and we wish to rectify this situation with the cooperation of groups working with women in the unorganized sector.
- Young inventors and innovators (up to class 12th) are invited to send their ideas or innovations for a special category of awards for them. These should be unsupervised, an outcome of their own creativity, without any support from their teachers or outsiders. There will be prizes worth Rs 30,000, 25,000 and Rs 20,000 for the best three entries and several consolation prizes of Rs 10,000 each in this category.
How to Participate
Individuals or groups may send as many entries as they wish on plain paper providing
a) Technical details of the idea/innovation/traditional knowledge practice along with sketches, photos or videos wherever available/necessary
b) Genesis of idea/innovation or traditional knowledge
c) Educational qualification of the innovators/ traditional knowledge holders and occupation,
d) Complete postal address with pin code and contact number(s) and e) Any other information that may seem necessary.
Herbal entries may be accompanied by properly dried plant samples to enable correct identification. The last date for the 11th National Biennial Competition is March 31, 2019.
Last Date
The last date for submission of entries for the 12th biennial competition is March 31, 2021
Contact Details
12th National Biennial Competition
National Innovation Foundation – India
Grambharti, Amrapur,
Gandhinagar-Mahudi Road
Gandhinagar, Gujarat
Pin: 382650
Tel: 02764261131/ 32/ 38/ 39
Email: [email protected].
Website : http://nif.org.in/