COMEDK Result 2025 is announced as per scheduled result date at by COMEDK. To stay informed about the COMEDK UGET 2025 result date, time, link, and related details, you can visit The Consortium of Medical, Engineering, and Dental Colleges of Karnataka (COMEDK) releases the results to provide information such as scores and ranks attained in the COMEDK exam.

COMEDK Result 2025 Check Date, Score, Rank from

COMEDK Result 2025

COMEDK 2025 Result Direct Link To Check –

COMEDK 2025 Result Date

Exam DateAs per COMEDK
Announcement of ResultAs per COMEDK
COMEDK 2025 Result Date

How to check COMEDK Result?

To check your COMEDK result, follow these steps:

  1. Visit the official website
  2. Look for the result link on the website.
  3. Click on the result link to proceed.
  4. Login using the required credentials to access your result.

The result will display your score and rank achieved in the Engineering entrance exam. This outcome is crucial as it determines your chances of admission to one of the 190 Engineering Colleges in Karnataka offering BE and B.Tech programs. Stay updated with the official website or trusted sources for the most accurate and current information regarding the COMEDK Result 2025.

Rank Card

The COMEDK UGET rank cards are issued as follows.

Tie Breaking

If there is a tie, how will it be resolved for COMEDK UGET results? The answer is as follows.

Final Merit and RankCOMEDK Result 2025 at

Inter Se Merit

The inter-se merit calculation shall follow these rules.

Normalization for COMEDK Result 2025

COMEDK Result 2024


If you are planning to take the COMEDK UGET, it is essential to acquaint yourself with pertinent information. COMEDK UGET stands for the Consortium of Medical, Engineering, and Dental Colleges of Karnataka Under Graduate Entrance Test. This state-level examination is conducted by COMEDK, facilitating admission to BE and B.Tech programs in 190 engineering colleges across Karnataka. In addition to finding details about the COMEDK application form on this page, you can explore further insights into the COMEDK exam through the following information.

COMEDK Result – An Overview

Full Name of ExamConsortium of Medical, Engineering and Dental Colleges of Karnataka Under Graduate Entrance Test
Details or Event HereResult of COMEDK
Similar Exams and Their RegistrationEngineering Entrance Exams
States or Regions of Score Accepting CollegesKarnataka
Official Body That Issues Application FormCOMEDK
Full Form of OrganizationConsortium of Medical, Engineering and Dental Colleges of Karnataka
Official Website for Registration
Programs Where Admission Is Through This ExamBE, B.Tech
Colleges and Universities Where Admission Is Through This Exam190 Engineering Colleges in Karnataka
COMEDK Result – An Overview

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