Delhi School of Management (DSM) was established in 2009 with the up-gradation of Delhi College of Engineering (DCE) into Delhi Technological University (DTU). DSM envisages to make distinctive future manages keeping in with the tradition of DCE (and now DTU) of excellence in education established for the engineering disciplines.
Read moreThe Department of Humanities offers courses in Communication Skill, English, Economics and Accountancy to engineering students in an effort to train them for the global economic environment of the 21st Century. Beside giving them in-depth understanding of the labour market in which they are expected to work as well as emerging employment trends among engineers, students are sensitized towards the specific technological need of urban slums and rural areas and socio-economic impact of engineering projects.
Read moreMathematics is the base of all engineering as well as technological branches. A sound knowledge of mathematical tools makes a technocrat to excel in his profession. In fact the "Industrial Mathematics", a branch of Applied Mathematics, which is relevant for contemporary technological problems, is not only the queen of all sciences but is also the mother of all technologies.
Read moreIn the recent past, Applied Physics Department has grown into a major department of Delhi Technological University providing cutting edge research, innovation and education in the emerging areas of science and technology. As a result, this department offers
Read moreThe department has contributed significantly to higher education and research in the area of Applied Chemistry and Polymer Technology. Since 1998, the department is offering four year B.E. course on Polymer Science & Chemical Technology. The department is also offering course on M.E. Polymer Technology since 1986. The department admits a few research scholars with scholarships from Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India. The annual intake of B.E. students is 40 which is likely to be increased to 60 in the next session. The annual intake of regular M.Tech. students is 18. Both B.Tech. & M.Tech.
Read moreThe Department of Mechanical Engineering and Production & Industrial engineering has seen considerable growth since its inception in 1941 with the intake rising from 30 to 150 (120 for Mechanical and 30 for production& Industrial Engineering). The department of Mechanical Engineering also offers Post Graduate courses with specialization in Thermal Engineering and Production Engineering with total intake of 46 Students. PhD Programs in all fields of Mechanical Engineering are also offered. The Department also offers four years’ B.Tech.
Read moreInformation Technology means fusion of Computers and Communication Technology. This has changed the face of the world with its various upcoming technologies in diverse fields of industry and education. The career prospects for the younger generation in information technology are stretched over a wide domain, which comprise service industries such as banking, insurance, communications etc as the students are aware of recent advancements in the fields of computers as well as communications.
Read moreEver increasing pace of development in electronics, audio and video communications systems and the automation in industry have made an electronic engineer a catalyst for the change of the modern society. Electronics gadgets and communication systems of present age have tremendously improved the quality of life. With the throughout the world, it has become essential to have more efficient communication network with the latest electronic devices and circuits.
Read moreThe Department of Electrical Engineering has significantly grown from its inception. With the advent of growth in Industrial Electronics, Industrial Communication and Energy Sources & Utilization the department has developed an important place in the National Capital Region of Delhi. Department has an annual intake of 90 U.G. students in Electrical Engineering program, 36 P.G. students in Control and Instrumentation and Power System program, in addition to significant numbers of research scholars for Ph.D. program. The department is preparing to introduce full time P.G.
Read moreComputer has revolutionized not only the fields of data processing and storage, but also the processes of communication, manufacturing and transportation, thereby improving our quality of life. PC, Laptop, Internet and Teleconference have become household commodities. Department of Computer Engineering was established in the college in 1989 and B.E. Degree course in Computer Engineering was started with an intake of 20. Now it has been increased to 90.
Read moreThe Civil and Environmental Engineering aims to improve the civic life of society by harmonizing the natural resources available on earth. The major areas in the field of Civil and Environmental Engineering are construction technology, Geotechnical Engineering, Transportation Engineering, municipal and sanitary services, surveying and mapping, and hydraulics & water resources. While a construction engineer deals with the design and supervision of construction of bridges, buildings, tunnels and dams.
Read moreThe Department of Biotechnology is established in the year 2004 with a mission to create fusion of engineering and life sciences that promotes scientific discovery and development of new technologies through research and education. The focus of the department is on basic research in modern biotechnology, molecular basis of life processes and bioinformatics. The department admits students for Bachelor of Technology (B. Tech.) in Biotechnology. A new Master of Technology (M. Tech.) in Bioinformatics has been started from the session 2010-2011.
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