Major Differences and Meanings
Major Differences and Meanings
S. No.DifferencesMeanings
1)Anomersdiffer in configuration at c-1 (α& β glucose)
2)Epimersdiffer in configuration at c-2
3)Centrosomecentrosphere + Centriole (triplet microtubule)
4)Centromerethe region that joins the two sister chromatids
5)Polyploidypossessing more than two complete sets of chromosomes
6)PolytenyThe presence within a cell of polytene chromosomes
7)Cholera toxinSecretory diahhorea, rice water stool, enterotoxin, CAMP mediated
8)Diphtheria toxinan exotoxin secreted by Corynebacterium diphtheriae, the
pathogenic bacterium that causes diphtheria.
9)Euthenicsstudy of environmental condition that contribute to improve intellect &
other traits
10)Eugenicsfactors connected with impairment or improvement of race
11)EuphenicsTreat defective heredity disease by genetic engineering
12)DiosgeninAntifertility pills, Dioscorea.
13)Digitoxinheart problems, Digitalis puperus
14)Sedativereduce tension (positive) sleep
15)Transquillizerreduce tension (negative) sleep
16)Hymose atrumovary
17)Hardenian glandeye of frog
18)Mehli glandpart of the female reproductive organ of Platyhelminthes
19)Negri bodynerve cell infected by rabies
20)Heat stable enterotoxin – food poisoningstaphylococcus
21)Fish respire by skin – Anguilla – Anguilla,pariophthalmus
22)Pectoral cavityglenoid
23)Pelvic cavityacetabulum
24)Chloroplast – stromadark reaction
25)Chloroplast – granalight reaction
26)Mule – male donkey (jenny)female horse
27)Hinny – female donkeymale horse
28)Pasteur – HTSH72-degree centigrade for 15 second
29)Pasteur – LTH63 degree centigrade for 30 minutes
30)Feathers (Birds) – WingRemiges
31)Feathers (Birds) – BodyContour
32)Feathers (Birds) – ProtectCoverts
33)Feathers (Birds)– Young Overdown (plumule)
34)Northern BlotRNA
35)Southern BlotDNA
36)Western BlotProtein
37)Digestion – IntracellularProtozoa, Pondera, Ascaris
38)Digestion – IntracellularHydra & all other
Major Differences and Meanings