Trade-wings Institute of Management, Mumbai is offering Diploma in Flight Operations and Radio Telephony. In this section, learn about the Diploma in Flight Operations and Radio Telephony course at Trade-wings Institute of Management, Mumbai
Duration : 12 months
TIM has a tie-up with ATC-Communication, Netherlands which is a specialist in ICAO Radio Telephony training (RT) and therefore a JAR registered training facility for RT lessons and exams. RT (practical training) and Communications (Theoretical part) are part of the JAA Syllabus for pilots. ATC Comm also provides Radiotelephony courses to ground staff communicating with Air Traffic Control. ATC-Comm provides courses with professional instructors with an Air Traffic Control background. TIM's RT course is conducted using internet model for six students in a batch and instructor delivering lectures from Netherlands.
RT Course is a part of Flight Operations Diploma.
A flight dispatcher is the unseen, unsung hero behind the scenes. Passengers do not even realize that a flight dispatcher exists. But he is the most important person who sees that the flight takes off & lands safely. An aircraft dispatcher shares equal & joint responsibility with the pilot in command for the safety & operational control the flight. He authorizes, regulates, controls and terminates aircraft flights in of accordance with company & governmental regulations & policies to ensure safety. He reviews & evaluates weather information to determine potential flight safety. Hazards & to select the preferred & most economical route of flight . He prepares & signs the dispatch release which is a legal document providing authorization for the flight to depart. He authorized to delay, divert, or cancel a flight if unsafe conditions pose a threat to the safety of the aircraft, passengers, cargo or flight. He monitors weather conditions, aircraft, passengers, cargo or flight. He monitors weather conditions, aircraft position reports, aeronautical navigation charts & aircraft radio calls to evaluate the progress & safety of the flight.
The Indian aviation industry is flying high with the entry of a number of new domestic airlines. This boom has caused the demand for flight dispatchers to increase manifold. To cater to this urgent demand, TIM has launched the flight dispatcher’s course. This will prepare the student to gain entry as flight dispatchers in domestic & international airlines & pass the DGCA examination.
This course is listed in Avaition Training Directory of ICAO
Includes General Navigation, Flight Planning, Radio aids & instruments, Metrology, Air Regulation, Communications, Crew Administration, and Specifications etc.
Science graduate with Physics & Mathematics (Minimum 50% Marks in HSC for both the subjects) & a good understanding of written English & World Geography.
Job Opportunities
Flight dispatchers in domestic & international airlines.
Note: The above courses are picked automatically by the website for indicative purpose only. However, students are requested to check with the University for the similarity of the course or for any other information in regard to the course.
Syllabus presented on this page is indicative and for general information only. The syllabus / course information listed may not be exhuastive. Students / Visitors are advised to contact the University directly for the official, detailed and accurate Syllabus, Transcripts and other information. List of course names mentioned here is partial and are not comprehensive and the institution would be offering many other courses than those mentioned on this page.
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