University of Kalyani, Kalyani

Department of Education

Department of Education

Department of Education

The Department has an eventful history in dissemination of knowledge since its inception about forty five years back. The Department was established as a Govt. sponsored Teachers' Training College in 1958.

The Department expanded its programme of studies and research in 1970-71 and introduced two-year MA/M.Sc course in Education. Thereupon, during the 5th. Plan UGC became satisfied to sanction more teaching posts which stood as: Professor-one, Reader-four, and Lecturer –sixteen including one Co-ordinator for its Extension wing (NCERT). Since then research programme sprung up vigorously. It got further stimulation in the hefty days of re-organization of the national educational scenario with the NEP, 1986 and initiated M.Phil in Education, eventually the first in the Eastern part of the country. In maintaining continuous growth spurt, the B.Ed. Course got permanent recognition of NCTE in 1999. The strength and potential of Department was duly assessed by the MHRD, and the Higher Education Department, Government of West Bengal and upgraded it as Institute of Advanced Studies in Education (IASE) in 2000. Subsequently, it received central Capital Grants of Rs.115 lakh for expansion of infrastructure in specified dimensions. With this funds the Department has been more enriched in –teaching –learning supports facilities of all kinds including departmental library and laboratories besides extension & building of physical infrastructure. New ICT Lab has also been built .

Department of Education
University of Kalyani, Kalyani
West Bengal


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