Fatima College, Madurai

Fatima College, Madurai
City Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
Affiliated to Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai

Fatima College
Madurai- 625018.
Tamil Nadu
Phone 91-0452-2668016, 91-0452-2669015
Fax 91-0452-2668437
Email [email protected]
Website Visit Website

Fatima College, Madurai is affiliated to Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai

Admission Notices

    Fatima College, Mary Land, Madurai is a Catholic minority institution established and run by St. Joseph's Society of Madurai (of the Congregation of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Lyons). This institution, affiliated to Madurai Kamaraj University came into existence through the tireless efforts of the missionary sisters of St. Joseph of Lyons and the zeal and heroic sacrifice of Rev. Sr.Rose Benedict, the foundress of the College.

    Initially the College started in 1953 at St. Joseph's School Campus, Madurai, as a second grade college with 63 students. The College was upgraded and became a postgraduate college in 1964 and autonomous in 1990. The College now offers 16 Undergraduate Courses, 13 Postgraduate Courses and 3 Departments have become Research Centers. It has 3030 students, 174 teaching staff and 99 non-teaching staff.

    In 2004 the UGC conferred on Fatima College the status of College with Potential for Excellence. In 2006 the institution was Re-Accredited by NAAC with 'A' Grade. It has become the bounden duty of the college to sustain excellence, quality and relevance while equipping the students to meet the demands of higher education in the reality of India. The immediate plan of action during the post accreditation period was to revolutionalize the teaching methodology by evolving modules / packages of teaching materials that meet the specific needs of various departments. These innovations are aimed at encouraging students to explore new avenues in their search for knowledge and making learning an exciting and challenging experience

    Vision Statement

    Women's Empowerment through Education

    Empower women by developing human capabilities through quality education based on Christian values, making them responsible citizens who can invent and create new things for the advancement of the society and promote communal harmony in the multi religious and multicultural reality of India.


    Enhance quality of life through the development of individuals

    Enable women to become contributors in the economic, social and political development of India.

    Prepare women of multi - dimensional capabilities equipped with necessary levels of knowledge, skills and values to adjust to different job settings and life situations.

    Give preference to the rural and economically backward women...

    Fatima College, Madurai offers various graduate courses as well as Post Graduate courses.

    Masters Degree Courses

    Master of Philosophy (MPhil Economics)

    Fatima College, Madurai offers 2 Years Full Time Masters Degree in M.Phil Economics

    View Details Duration: 1 Year    Learning Mode: Full Time    Course Level: Masters Degree

    Master of Philosophy (MPhil Commerce)

    Fatima College, Madurai offers 2 Years Full Time Masters Degree in M.Phil Commerce

    View Details Duration: 1 Years    Learning Mode: Full Time    Course Level: Masters Degree

    Master of Commerce (MCom)


    Vision & Objectives:
    Preparing students for an exciting journey into the world of Computer based Commerce.


    The Department commenced in 1975-1976 with B.Com Course. It was upgraded as a Postgraduate Department with the starting of M.Com Course in 1980-1981 and grew to be a research center with the starting of M.Phil Course in 2006-2007.

    Infrastructure Facilities:

    Department is equipped with a Computer with a Laser Printer. There are cupboards and other storage facilities. There is a room for the staff with furniture and fans.

    Programmes offered:

    Degree Courses
    1.B.Com -- Aided
    2.M.Com -- Aided
    3.M.Phil -- Self-financed

    View Details Duration: 2 Years    Learning Mode: Full Time    Course Level: Masters Degree

    Master of Science (MSc Mathematics)

    Department of Mathematics

    Vision and Objectives:

    Strives for excellence in teaching-learning process.
    To instill in students thirst for Research at Global level.
    To get placement.
    To produce Future Mathematicians who could contribute to the society with their Mathematical skills

    Establishment :

    B.Sc Mathematics (Regular) course was established in the year 1957 , B.Sc Mathematics ( Self-finance ) course in the year 2003 and M.Sc Mathematics (Self-finance) in the year 2006.

    Programmes Offered :

    Department offers
    B.Sc Maths both in Regular and in Self-finance sections.
    Allied Mathematics for Physics and Chemistry students.
    Mathematics for Competitive Examinations - an Interdisciplinary course, for Non-Maths students , to facilitate Employability.
    Combinatorics, Number Theory – Extra credit courses for Maths students, to facilitate advanced learners.
    Forecasting Techniques - Extra credit course for Non-Maths students.
    Speed Arithmetic - Certificate course for Non-Maths students.

    Some of the Major papers offered by the department are highlighted below :

    Graph Theory
    Real Analysis
    Complex Analysis
    Fuzzy Mathematics
    Computer programming in C ,C++
    Optimization Techniques

    View Details Duration: 2 Years    Learning Mode: Full Time    Course Level: Masters Degree

    Master of Science (MSc Chemistry)


    To Provide a strong foundation in the knowledge of Chemistry, reinforcing with latest tools in education.
    To prepare the students to confidently pursue higher education.
    To inculcate research culture


    HEADS OF THE DEPARTMENT1957-1989 Miss. B. Rajalakshmi, M.Sc.
    1989-1999 Mrs. K.V. Kokila, M.Sc., M.Phil.
    1999-Till date Dr. M. Gnanadeebam, M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D

    1999 Introduction of Autonomy- Restructuring curriculum, since freedom to introduce need based courses on parity with National and Global standards was given under Autonomy
    2000 Introduction of CBCS- Introduction of Advanced level electives and optionals to suit both slow and fast learners, projects and challenging extra credit courses.
    2007 Introduction of M.Sc.

    Three laboratories- One of the laboratories is fitted with exhaust system to remove the hazardous vapours.

    List of Instruments in the Department
    Digital PH meter
    Digital polarimeter
    Digital conductivity meter
    Digital Electronic balance
    Microwave oven
    Photoelectric calorimeter
    Double distillation apparatus

    Creative Initiatives
    Since inception, the Department has adopted a healthy practice of procuring its own supply of distilled water through rain water harvesting followed by deionisation


    B.Sc Chemistry
    Special features:
    Comprehensive viva conducted in VI semester covering I to VI semester syllabi
    Project, which motivate students to pursue research
    Extra credit courses on Reaction mechanism in organic chemistry and domestic chemistry.

    M.Sc Chemistry

    Certificate course
    Pharmaceutical and diagnostic chemistry

    View Details Duration: 2 Years    Learning Mode: Full Time    Course Level: Masters Degree

    Master of Science (MSc Physics)


    To inculcate scientific temper among the young generation
    To inspire the students to appreciate scientific concepts
    To motivate young minds towards Physics
    To contribute towards scientific and technological development of the country
    To kindle interest in research
    To prepare the students as good Physics teachers in future
    To encourage the students to participate in the academic competitions at the national level
    To help them become entrepreneurs


    Fatima College was started in the year 1953 with intermediate courses.
    B.Sc Physics major was started in the year 1957.
    B.Sc Special Physics was offered from 1968 to 1977.
    M.Sc Physics was started in 1986.

    Heads of the Department:

    Ms. R.Padmasani from 1957 – Nov 1984
    Dr. S.Susila from Dec. 1984 – May 2001
    Dr. Chellam Ramakrishnan June 2001 – May 2008
    Dr. S. Lalitha June 2008 – till date

    Programmes offered:

    B. Sc Physics and M.Sc Physics are offered under choice based credit system .
    A Certificate course on Photography is offered to B.Sc students to make them entrepreneurs.

    View Details Duration: 2 Years    Learning Mode: Full Time    Course Level: Masters Degree

    Master of Philosophy (MPhil Tamil Literature)

    Profile of the department of Tamil


    Vision of the department of Tamil goes hand in hard with the vision of the college which is nation building through quality education and Upliftment of women.


    To help and equip those who are not from affluent society to stand on their own.
    To give value based education and social adverseness through literature.

    Ways and means of Upliftment:

    Curriculum - UG

    Co-curriculum activities.
    Intern ship Training for journalism
    Training in epigraph
    Skill Training in Dramatics.
    Training in Media Participation.
    Projects & Dissertations
    Diploma Course in Folk dancer.

    Curriculum –U.G. Special Features:

    Together with Literature and grammar Journalism is taught in the first year.
    For those who applier for hog her studies optional paper on research methodology is of much use. Modern Literary treads is also taught as an extra-credit paper. For those who are otherwise talented , optional paper on damnation offer practical training in script writing, stage arrangement and make-up.
    Paper on Tamil and medicine helps in every life through exposure to nature Local Herbs and the practice of yoga.

    Curriculum – PG:

    Women had been subjugated for centuries to facilitate an over all development and to enables the students to identity and cultivate healthy traits of personality, a paper on personality and Literature is introduced in year 2006.
    To enable the students to get through qualifying exam, a paper on Tamil for competitions exam has been introduced.
    Public speaking is introduced as I.D.O. to improve communication skills of the students.

    Curriculum M.Phil
    To instill Awareness about discrimination a paper on feminism and dalitism is continued to be offered along with research methodology.
    Thrust area in Research and its outcome:

    Years - Thrust area - Outcome
    1990-99 - Feminism and Dalitism - Development of Values
    200-2003 - Folkloristic - Preservation of cultural heritage
    2004 on Wards - Environmental Issues as unrevealed in Literature, Feminism of Dalitism - A wakening to wards globe needs.

    View Details Duration: 2 Years    Learning Mode: Full Time    Course Level: Masters Degree

    Master of Arts (MA Tamil)

    Profile of the department of Tamil


    Vision of the department of Tamil goes hand in hard with the vision of the college which is nation building through quality education and Upliftment of women.


    To help and equip those who are not from affluent society to stand on their own.
    To give value based education and social adverseness through literature.

    Ways and means of Upliftment:

    Curriculum - UG

    Co-curriculum activities.
    Intern ship Training for journalism
    Training in epigraph
    Skill Training in Dramatics.
    Training in Media Participation.
    Projects & Dissertations
    Diploma Course in Folk dancer.

    Curriculum –U.G. Special Features:

    Together with Literature and grammar Journalism is taught in the first year.
    For those who applier for hog her studies optional paper on research methodology is of much use. Modern Literary treads is also taught as an extra-credit paper. For those who are otherwise talented , optional paper on damnation offer practical training in script writing, stage arrangement and make-up.
    Paper on Tamil and medicine helps in every life through exposure to nature Local Herbs and the practice of yoga.

    Curriculum – PG:

    Women had been subjugated for centuries to facilitate an over all development and to enables the students to identity and cultivate healthy traits of personality, a paper on personality and Literature is introduced in year 2006.
    To enable the students to get through qualifying exam, a paper on Tamil for competitions exam has been introduced.
    Public speaking is introduced as I.D.O. to improve communication skills of the students.

    Curriculum M.Phil
    To instill Awareness about discrimination a paper on feminism and dalitism is continued to be offered along with research methodology.
    Thrust area in Research and its outcome:

    Years - Thrust area - Outcome
    1990-99 - Feminism and Dalitism - Development of Values
    200-2003 - Folkloristic - Preservation of cultural heritage
    2004 on Wards - Environmental Issues as unrevealed in Literature, Feminism of Dalitism - A wakening to wards globe needs.

    View Details Duration: 2 Years    Learning Mode: Part Time    Course Level: Masters Degree

    Master of Arts (MA English)

    Department of English

    Vision: Women Empowerment


    Impart holistic education giving preference to rural, first generation, economically backward women.
    Equip women to contribute at the national and global levels.
    Sensitize students to human values and human rights through literature.
    Hone communication skills for better placements and global mobility.
    Use technology based teaching/ learning strategies.
    Reconstruct curriculum to face challenges of society.


    The Department of English was established in 1957-58.English was taught both as language and literature in the UG programme. Only British and American literatures were included in the Major syllabus. But at present under CBCS(Choice Based Credit System), New literatures, ELT, Grammar, Linguistics, Translation studies, Journalism, American Studies (IDO) are included. The department offers PG and UG programmes, Certificate course, Diploma and Advanced Diploma courses . Research and consultancy has been strengthened. Recently the department has undertaken a Major Research Project titled “Teaching English for the Visually Impaired”. MoU with DHAN Foundation and Rotary Helen Keller Talking Book Library increase students’ job opportunities. Language lab enables ICT based teaching and learning. The department has produced its own text books for Part II General English syllabi.

    Infrastructure Facilities:

    In order to a) assure quality, b) increase global competency and c) move from talk and chalk methods to ICT based teaching/ learning process, the department is equipped with i) Department library, ii) Language Laboratory, iii) American Studies, and iv) Major Research Project Library. These libraries stock a number of latest books, CDs, Audio and Video cassettes that are regularly used in class rooms, language lab, e- class rooms and Audio visual room. Computers, printer and scanner in the department, and the Research Centre are added assets to the department.

    View Details Duration: 2 Years    Learning Mode: Full Time    Course Level: Masters Degree

    Master of Arts (MA Sociology)


    Vision and Objectives:

    The department of Sociology right from its inception in 1960, has been striving for the development of integrated personality of the students, preparation of the students to meet the challenges of life and develop their capacity for critical analysis of social issues and facilitation of the students for playing key roles in national development. The department is happy to note that its efforts have yielded good results with many of the alumnae occupying responsible positions and everyone passing out of this Department doing full justice to whichever position she occupies.

    Master of Social work:

    Now the department of Sociology sees its long cherished dream becoming a reality – the starting of the Master of Social work course. M.S.W is recognized as one of the important professional disciplines of today. Its relevance is very much realized by society – taking into consideration the multifarious problems that people face today-economic, Social and Psychological.

    Social work is an applied multidisciplinary holistic subject that makes use of Sociology, Psychology, Psychiatry and management studies in analyzing and solving individual, family, communal and social problems. The increase in the diversity and complexity of social problems demands collective and collaborative effort on the part of both the NGOs and the State and both the sectors offer plenty of career opportunities for social workers. Social workers today have a challenging and crucial role in various settings –Rural and Urban communities, Medical and Psychiatric, Industrial, Educational, Rehabilitation and Correctional settings.

    Objectives of M.S.W:

    The department of Social Work imparts to the students:
    The values, attitudes and Philosophy essential for Social Work Practice.
    The knowledge, skills and techniques to translate the ideas into observable development.
    The social work education in an innovative way-designing the curriculum according to the present day societal needs.
    Ways and means of enhancing the self confidence and self esteem so that they can become effective social workers.


    The Department of Sociology was started in the year 1960-61.
    Vocationalisation of U.G Computer papers were introduced in the year1990.
    The P.G Department of Social Work was started in the year 2005-2006 - Specialization –Community Development, Medical and Psychiatric Work.

    Programmes Offered:
    U.G - B.A. Sociology
    P.G - Master of Social Work
    Extra-credit –Psychology of Adjustment
    Certificate Course-Integrative Psychology

    Infra Structure Facilities:

    The department has conducive infrastructure to execute the objectives and vision of the College and the Department. It has well equipped library with updated editions covering all specializations.

    View Details Duration: 2 Years    Learning Mode: Part Time    Course Level: Masters Degree

    Master of Arts (MA Economics)


    The Post- Graduate degree in Economics was introduced in 1994 and Under Graduate Degree Course was introduced in 1967. it is the largest major Department of the college having nearly 200 Students and 10 Faculty members. It was the only humanities department in the college offered special Economics Courses with Statistics and Calculus ancillaries in 1975-76. Since autonomy in 1990 the department offers innovative, application oriented and new job oriented courses and Diploma Courses on Front office Management.
    We have compulsory courses on Environmental Economics both at UG and PG level. After the introduction of choice based Credit system, similar to Value education we have incorporated a course on Environmental Education. We have prepared syllabus and course materials for the same.
    The department of Economics is very much interested in Environment, every year we conduct one day Intercollegiate Seminar on “Eco-Friendly and Eco-Consciousness”. The special feature of this seminar is that it is purely students’ participation through means of presentation of papers on the “Environmental aspects”. Moreover the department has formulated “Enviro Club”.

    The department has the experience of organizing many seminars and workshops. An UGC Sponsored Two day seminar on “Revamping the Financial Sector in India” in Aug 1999. the department is blessed with dedicated teachers who periodically publish research articles , present papers in conferences and being resource persons for various seminars. The department affiliated to Madurai Kamaraj University is now offering Mphil in Economics.
    The department of Economics has the unique feature of organizing a one day intercollegiate seminar on “Eco-Friendliness and Eco-consciousness” every year. This seminar was purely students oriented which encouraged the paper presentation on Environmental aspects by the students.

    View Details Duration: 2 Years    Learning Mode: Full Time    Course Level: Masters Degree

    Bachelors Degree Courses

    Bachelor of Commerce (BCom)


    Vision & Objectives:

    Preparing students for an exciting journey into the world of Computer based Commerce.


    The Department commenced in 1975-1976 with B.Com Course. It was upgraded as a Postgraduate Department with the starting of M.Com Course in 1980-1981 and grew to be a research center with the starting of M.Phil Course in 2006-2007.

    Infrastructure Facilities:

    Department is equipped with a Computer with a Laser Printer. There are cupboards and other storage facilities. There is a room for the staff with furniture and fans.

    Programmes offered:

    Degree Courses
    1.B.Com -- Aided
    2.M.Com -- Aided
    3.M.Phil -- Self-financed

    View Details Duration: 3 Years    Learning Mode: Full Time    Course Level: Bachelors Degree

    Bachelor of Science (BSc Home Science)


    The Department of Home Science, one of the pioneering Departments in the south, was established in the year 1961. Ever since its inception, the Department has grown to great heights, rendering valuable service to the Student community.

    Home Science is a multidisciplinary, integrated science which gives an analytic approach to suit the current global scenario. This value added, enriched course paves way for excellent job opportunities in its varied disciplines and is forging ahead towards becoming a research department in the coming years.

    To keep pace with the current trend the UG Home Science programme has been redesigned as "B. Sc. Home Science with Food Biotechnology". Diploma in Fashion Designing and Garment Construction was introduced in the year 2002. UGC sponsored innovative programme - M. Sc. Human Nutrition and Nutraceuticals was started in the year 2004.

    By offering courses that cater to the contemporary needs, the Department prepares young Home Scientists to excel as Career women and also as ideal Home makers.

    View Details Duration: 3 Years    Learning Mode: Full Time    Course Level: Bachelors Degree

    Bachelor of Science (BSc Mathematics)

    Department of Mathematics

    Vision and Objectives:

    Strives for excellence in teaching-learning process.
    To instill in students thirst for Research at Global level.
    To get placement.
    To produce Future Mathematicians who could contribute to the society with their Mathematical skills

    Establishment :

    B.Sc Mathematics (Regular) course was established in the year 1957 , B.Sc Mathematics ( Self-finance ) course in the year 2003 and M.Sc Mathematics (Self-finance) in the year 2006.

    Programmes Offered :

    Department offers
    B.Sc Maths both in Regular and in Self-finance sections.
    Allied Mathematics for Physics and Chemistry students.
    Mathematics for Competitive Examinations - an Interdisciplinary course, for Non-Maths students , to facilitate Employability.
    Combinatorics, Number Theory – Extra credit courses for Maths students, to facilitate advanced learners.
    Forecasting Techniques - Extra credit course for Non-Maths students.
    Speed Arithmetic - Certificate course for Non-Maths students.

    Some of the Major papers offered by the department are highlighted below :

    Graph Theory
    Real Analysis
    Complex Analysis
    Fuzzy Mathematics
    Computer programming in C ,C++
    Optimization Techniques

    View Details Duration: 3 Years    Learning Mode: Full Time    Course Level: Bachelors Degree

    Bachelor of Science (BSc Chemistry)


    To Provide a strong foundation in the knowledge of Chemistry, reinforcing with latest tools in education.
    To prepare the students to confidently pursue higher education.
    To inculcate research culture


    HEADS OF THE DEPARTMENT1957-1989 Miss. B. Rajalakshmi, M.Sc.
    1989-1999 Mrs. K.V. Kokila, M.Sc., M.Phil.
    1999-Till date Dr. M. Gnanadeebam, M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D

    1999 Introduction of Autonomy- Restructuring curriculum, since freedom to introduce need based courses on parity with National and Global standards was given under Autonomy
    2000 Introduction of CBCS- Introduction of Advanced level electives and optionals to suit both slow and fast learners, projects and challenging extra credit courses.
    2007 Introduction of M.Sc.

    Three laboratories- One of the laboratories is fitted with exhaust system to remove the hazardous vapours.

    List of Instruments in the Department
    Digital PH meter
    Digital polarimeter
    Digital conductivity meter
    Digital Electronic balance
    Microwave oven
    Photoelectric calorimeter
    Double distillation apparatus
    Creative Initiatives
    Since inception, the Department has adopted a healthy practice of procuring its own supply of distilled water through rain water harvesting followed by deionisation


    B.Sc Chemistry
    Special features:
    Comprehensive viva conducted in VI semester covering I to VI semester syllabi
    Project, which motivate students to pursue research
    Extra credit courses on Reaction mechanism in organic chemistry and domestic chemistry.

    M.Sc Chemistry

    Certificate course
    Pharmaceutical and diagnostic chemistry

    View Details Duration: 3 Years    Learning Mode: Full Time    Course Level: Bachelors Degree

    Bachelor of Science (BSc Physics)


    To inculcate scientific temper among the young generation
    To inspire the students to appreciate scientific concepts
    To motivate young minds towards Physics
    To contribute towards scientific and technological development of the country
    To kindle interest in research
    To prepare the students as good Physics teachers in future
    To encourage the students to participate in the academic competitions at the national level
    To help them become entrepreneurs


    Fatima College was started in the year 1953 with intermediate courses.
    B.Sc Physics major was started in the year 1957.
    B.Sc Special Physics was offered from 1968 to 1977.
    M.Sc Physics was started in 1986.

    Heads of the Department:

    Ms. R.Padmasani from 1957 – Nov 1984
    Dr. S.Susila from Dec. 1984 – May 2001
    Dr. Chellam Ramakrishnan June 2001 – May 2008
    Dr. S. Lalitha June 2008 – till date

    Programmes offered:

    B. Sc Physics and M.Sc Physics are offered under choice based credit system .
    A Certificate course on Photography is offered to B.Sc students to make them entrepreneurs.

    View Details Duration: 3 Years    Learning Mode: Full Time    Course Level: Bachelors Degree

    Bachelor of Arts (BA Tamil)

    Profile of the department of Tamil


    Vision of the department of Tamil goes hand in hard with the vision of the college which is nation building through quality education and Upliftment of women.


    To help and equip those who are not from affluent society to stand on their own.
    To give value based education and social adverseness through literature.

    Ways and means of Upliftment:

    Curriculum - UG

    Co-curriculum activities.
    Intern ship Training for journalism
    Training in epigraph
    Skill Training in Dramatics.
    Training in Media Participation.
    Projects & Dissertations
    Diploma Course in Folk dancer.

    Curriculum –U.G. Special Features:

    Together with Literature and grammar Journalism is taught in the first year.
    For those who applier for hog her studies optional paper on research methodology is of much use. Modern Literary treads is also taught as an extra-credit paper. For those who are otherwise talented , optional paper on damnation offer practical training in script writing, stage arrangement and make-up.
    Paper on Tamil and medicine helps in every life through exposure to nature Local Herbs and the practice of yoga.

    Curriculum – PG:

    Women had been subjugated for centuries to facilitate an over all development and to enables the students to identity and cultivate healthy traits of personality, a paper on personality and Literature is introduced in year 2006.
    To enable the students to get through qualifying exam, a paper on Tamil for competitions exam has been introduced.
    Public speaking is introduced as I.D.O. to improve communication skills of the students.

    Curriculum M.Phil
    To instill Awareness about discrimination a paper on feminism and dalitism is continued to be offered along with research methodology.
    Thrust area in Research and its outcome:

    Years - Thrust area - Outcome
    1990-99 - Feminism and Dalitism - Development of Values
    200-2003 - Folkloristic - Preservation of cultural heritage
    2004 on Wards - Environmental Issues as unrevealed in Literature, Feminism of Dalitism - A wakening to wards globe needs.

    View Details Duration: 3 Years    Learning Mode: Full Time    Course Level: Bachelors Degree

    Bachelor of Arts in English (BA English)

    Department of English

    Vision: Women Empowerment


    Impart holistic education giving preference to rural, first generation, economically backward women.
    Equip women to contribute at the national and global levels.
    Sensitize students to human values and human rights through literature.
    Hone communication skills for better placements and global mobility.
    Use technology based teaching/ learning strategies.
    Reconstruct curriculum to face challenges of society.


    The Department of English was established in 1957-58.English was taught both as language and literature in the UG programme. Only British and American literatures were included in the Major syllabus. But at present under CBCS(Choice Based Credit System), New literatures, ELT, Grammar, Linguistics, Translation studies, Journalism, American Studies (IDO) are included. The department offers PG and UG programmes, Certificate course, Diploma and Advanced Diploma courses . Research and consultancy has been strengthened. Recently the department has undertaken a Major Research Project titled “Teaching English for the Visually Impaired”. MoU with DHAN Foundation and Rotary Helen Keller Talking Book Library increase students’ job opportunities. Language lab enables ICT based teaching and learning. The department has produced its own text books for Part II General English syllabi.

    Infrastructure Facilities:

    In order to a) assure quality, b) increase global competency and c) move from talk and chalk methods to ICT based teaching/ learning process, the department is equipped with i) Department library, ii) Language Laboratory, iii) American Studies, and iv) Major Research Project Library. These libraries stock a number of latest books, CDs, Audio and Video cassettes that are regularly used in class rooms, language lab, e- class rooms and Audio visual room. Computers, printer and scanner in the department, and the Research Centre are added assets to the department.

    View Details Duration: 3 Years    Learning Mode: Full Time    Course Level: Bachelors Degree

    Bachelor of Arts (BA Sociology)


    Vision and Objectives:

    The department of Sociology right from its inception in 1960, has been striving for the development of integrated personality of the students, preparation of the students to meet the challenges of life and develop their capacity for critical analysis of social issues and facilitation of the students for playing key roles in national development. The department is happy to note that its efforts have yielded good results with many of the alumnae occupying responsible positions and everyone passing out of this Department doing full justice to whichever position she occupies.

    Master of Social work:

    Now the department of Sociology sees its long cherished dream becoming a reality – the starting of the Master of Social work course. M.S.W is recognized as one of the important professional disciplines of today. Its relevance is very much realized by society – taking into consideration the multifarious problems that people face today-economic, Social and Psychological.

    Social work is an applied multidisciplinary holistic subject that makes use of Sociology, Psychology, Psychiatry and management studies in analyzing and solving individual, family, communal and social problems. The increase in the diversity and complexity of social problems demands collective and collaborative effort on the part of both the NGOs and the State and both the sectors offer plenty of career opportunities for social workers. Social workers today have a challenging and crucial role in various settings –Rural and Urban communities, Medical and Psychiatric, Industrial, Educational, Rehabilitation and Correctional settings.

    Objectives of M.S.W:

    The department of Social Work imparts to the students:
    The values, attitudes and Philosophy essential for Social Work Practice.
    The knowledge, skills and techniques to translate the ideas into observable development.
    The social work education in an innovative way-designing the curriculum according to the present day societal needs.
    Ways and means of enhancing the self confidence and self esteem so that they can become effective social workers.


    The Department of Sociology was started in the year 1960-61.
    Vocationalisation of U.G Computer papers were introduced in the year1990.
    The P.G Department of Social Work was started in the year 2005-2006 - Specialization –Community Development, Medical and Psychiatric Work.

    Programmes Offered:
    U.G - B.A. Sociology
    P.G - Master of Social Work
    Extra-credit –Psychology of Adjustment
    Certificate Course-Integrative Psychology

    Infra Structure Facilities:

    The department has conducive infrastructure to execute the objectives and vision of the College and the Department. It has well equipped library with updated editions covering all specializations.

    View Details Duration: 3 Years    Learning Mode: Full Time    Course Level: Bachelors Degree

    Bachelor of Arts (BA Economics)


    The Post- Graduate degree in Economics was introduced in 1994 and Under Graduate Degree Course was introduced in 1967. it is the largest major Department of the college having nearly 200 Students and 10 Faculty members. It was the only humanities department in the college offered special Economics Courses with Statistics and Calculus ancillaries in 1975-76. Since autonomy in 1990 the department offers innovative, application oriented and new job oriented courses and Diploma Courses on Front office Management.
    We have compulsory courses on Environmental Economics both at UG and PG level. After the introduction of choice based Credit system, similar to Value education we have incorporated a course on Environmental Education. We have prepared syllabus and course materials for the same.
    The department of Economics is very much interested in Environment, every year we conduct one day Intercollegiate Seminar on “Eco-Friendly and Eco-Consciousness”. The special feature of this seminar is that it is purely students’ participation through means of presentation of papers on the “Environmental aspects”. Moreover the department has formulated “Enviro Club”.

    The department has the experience of organizing many seminars and workshops. An UGC Sponsored Two day seminar on “Revamping the Financial Sector in India” in Aug 1999. the department is blessed with dedicated teachers who periodically publish research articles , present papers in conferences and being resource persons for various seminars. The department affiliated to Madurai Kamaraj University is now offering Mphil in Economics.
    The department of Economics has the unique feature of organizing a one day intercollegiate seminar on “Eco-Friendliness and Eco-consciousness” every year. This seminar was purely students oriented which encouraged the paper presentation on Environmental aspects by the students.

    View Details Duration: 3 Years    Learning Mode: Full Time    Course Level: Bachelors Degree

    Bachelor of Arts (BA History)

    Department of History

    Vision of the Department

    To enhance the chance of employability in order to make women empowered.
    To nurture the students to become future administrators.
    To make them responsible citizens of India.
    To give considerations for intellectually and economically disadvantaged and visually impaired students.

    Inception of the Department

    The Department has its inception in 1957 with U.G. Course at the headship of Dr. K. Rukmani. The students of History have excelled in both curricular and co- curricular activities by getting laurels of University ranks and medals.

    Courses offered

    B. A. with DCA (Degree with Diploma)
    Teaching Techniques (Certificate Course)
    IAS Preliminary Exam coaching classes.


    Under autonomy and the Choice Based Credit System, the curriculum has been restructured to suit the needs of the time and to enhance the employability in order to empower the women and as such to fulfill the objective of the college. Besides conventional subjects, job-oriented subjects such as Tourism, Entrepreneurial Development, Archaeology, Archives Keeping and Museology have been introduced. To inculcate Research culture among the students, Research Methodology is taught and individual Project and Viva Voce are made compulsory. The thrust areas of the Project are Social issues, environmental Issues and Human Rights. In order to impart the importance of heritage a subject of Micro study on History of Madurai is offered.
    Inter disciplinary approach is adopted and as such the Department of History keeps collaboration with the department of English and the department of Economics by offering and being offered some subjects.

    Teaching – Learning method
    To improve the quality of education, modern techniques such as Panel Discussion, Brain storming Session, Role-play, Skit, On the spot study, Study tours, Seminars, Case study methods, Documentation, and Power point presentation.
    In teaching –Learning process Information Communication Technology is very much applied. Much of the subjects are taught with power point presentation, Audio-Video CDs, OHP, Slide Shows and Educational films.
    As Computer literacy has become the timely necessity, Diploma in Computer Application is offered to the students of History compulsorily. The curriculum and the teaching –learning method of the Department of History enable the students not only to get a Degree and pursue higher studies but also to open avenues in the career of Teaching, civil Service, Administration, Information Technology, Tourism industry and Self-employment.

    Seminars and publications
    The Department of History conducted the following Seminars recently.
    ICHR sponsored Seminar on “Women and Empowerment “ on 25th & 26th, March 2004.“Culturral Space in Tamil literature and History” sponsored by Institute of Indian Languages, Mysore on 27th & 28 th, November, 2007.Besides the department of History conducts every year one-day Seminar on Current issues by inviting city colleges.

    The faculty members of History are very active in participating in Seminars and Workshops of various statures from the college level to International and have presented papers. From the year 2000 onwards they have presented 66 papers and published 35 Articles in various journals, magazines, proceedings and books. They also render consultancy services in other colleges and Universities by contributing as members of the Board of Studies and the Board of Examiners.

    Extension Activity
    The III D. C. students do valuable service by teaching the School children of Shanthi vidhyala , the Government School at Paravai and the Government School at Alanganallur. They go to the above-mentioned schools weekly twice after their classes and teach subjects like History, Geography, Tamil and English. They also conduct Independence Day, Deepavali, Christmas and Pongal celebrations.

    Much of the alumni have been placed as Lecturers in colleges and Universities, Teachers in Schools, Government servants, entrepreneurs, and now in IT field too.

    Healthy Practices
    The Department of History follows the following healthy practices
    Remedial classes for the intellectually disadvantaged students.
    Mentor System
    Lending Books from the Book Bank
    Visiting the home of the crisis stricken students to prevent Dropouts
    Financial help to the needy students.
    Assistance to the visually impaired.

    View Details Duration: 3 Years    Learning Mode: Full Time    Course Level: Bachelors Degree
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    Fatima College, Madurai is affiliated to Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai.

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    List of facilities available at Fatima College, Madurai for students.

    • wifi
    • Library
    • Sports
    • Transportation
    • Hostels
    • Healthcare
    • Internet
    • Cafeteria
    • Computer Labs