Department of Biotechnology
Biotechnology is a multidisciplinary branch of Modern Biology, referring to any practical/commercial/controlled use of biological agents such as, microorganisms or cellular components, for beneficial use. It encompasses the exciting and rapidly developing fields like Molecular Biology, Genetic Engineering, DNA Finger Printing, Monoclonal Antibody Technology, Tissue Culture, Fermentation Technology etc.
As an interdisciplinary science, Biotechnology finds its application to Chemical, Pharmaceutical and Textile Industries and to Agriculture and Animal Husbandry.
Hence the course of M.Sc. Biotechnology is one of the most challenging and demanding courses of the day, with plenty of employment opportunities in National and International industries of Science and Technology for students with Biotechnology Background.
Strengths of the course:
The M.Sc. (2Y) General Biotechnology programme is recognized by the Department of Biotechnology, New Delhi and the students completing the course under this programme will be eligible to undergo DBT funded Industrial training Programme and also to write the entrance test for DBT-Junior Research Fellowship which will ensure admission into research activity throughout the country.
Department of Biotechnology
Sri Padmavati Mahila Visvavidyalayam (University for Women),
Andhra Pradesh
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