Department of Biochemistry
The Department of Biochemistry was started during 2003-2004 offering a two year Master’s programme. The objective of the course is to provide employment opportunities for women in industry and research institutions by giving specific orientation and training. The course is designed to equip the student with the latest theoretical and practical skills in all the specializations of Biochemistry. The Department is well equipped with modern and sophisticated instruments.
The course enables the students to take up responsible positions in academic institutions of higher learning and also in industries like food, leather, pharmaceutical and other sectors, where a basic understanding of the chemical processes in living beings is essential.
Biochemists find employment in healthcare Organizations, diagnostics centers, pharmaceutical companies, pesticides/insecticides/seeds manufacturing companies, healthcare products development companies, research organizations and educational institutions.
Department of Biochemistry
Sri Padmavati Mahila Visvavidyalayam (University for Women),
Andhra Pradesh
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