Focus areas
=> Soft skill development
=> Human resource management / Development
=> Organizational development
=> Financial Management in Institutions
=> Marketing Management in Institutions
Our Goals
Within the context of socio-economic growth of the country and in keeping with the directives of the NEP (New Education Policy) and POA (Plan of Action), the goal of the department is:
To Contribute to the development of human resources in education and service organizations.
Our Mission
Our mission is to offer courses which are relevant and of quality for the development and empower teachers / trainers/ counselors/ administrators, etc. with managerial skills.
=> Doctor Of Philosophy (Ph.D)in Education Management
=> Master in Education Management
=> Post Graduate Diploma in Education Management
=> Certificate Course in School Management
A research Project on any topic related to management of education / educational institutions should be submitted by every participant, as a part requirement of the course.
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