Scientific Terms and Their Definitions
Scientific Terms and Their Definitions
  1. Human growth hormone (produced by the pituitary gland) = Treat dwarfis
  2. Monoclonal antibodies = monospecific antibodies that are made by identical immune cells that are all clones of a unique parent cell. These are proteins produced by the Blymphocytes of the immune system in response to foreign proteins, called antigens.
  3. Myeloma cell = Myeloma is a cancer of plasma cells in the bone marrow.
  4. Hybridoma Technology = Making of hybrid cell lines by fusing an antibody-producing B cell with a myeloma cell that is selected for its ability to grow in tissue culture .
  5. Hybridomas = produce only one kind of antibody on large scale
  6. Anesthesia = without sensation
  7. Filter Apparatus of blood = for separating plasma or serum from blood. Juxtaglomerular apparatus
  8. Origin of ADIS = Africa Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) is a spectrum of conditions caused by infection with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) .
  9. Duchenne Dystrophy – Abnormal gene on X characteristics in in males
  10. Introgression hybrid – one species completely replaced by other
  11. introgressive hybridization – the movement of a gene from one species into the gene pool of another by the repeated backcrossing of an interspecific hybrid with one of its parent species
  12. Excessive stiffness – Myoscelerosis (muscles feel tight and contracted than muscles at rest.)
  13. Sex linked – genes found on sex chromosome & inherited together
  14. Sex limited – expressed only in a part of sex-e. g. milk secretion in female
  15. Sex influenced-Boldness (dominant in one & recessive in one)
  16. Male more affected then female due to recessive X chromosome in male Protoncogenes (Normal)-mutation——-> Oncogenes(Cancerous)
  17. Max. Loops in lamp brush chromosomes – Diplotene
  18. Mollusca – Hardest shell, softest body, ink glands
  19. ABO = Multiple allelism + co-dominance
  20. Polio – Attack on dorsal root ganglion of Spinal cord
  21. Stea torrhoea – fat indigestion – fat in stool
  22. Hematemesis-vomit of blood
  23. Hemoptysis coughing up blood … T. B.