NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English: First Flight (Poem) Chapter 9 Fog
NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English: First Flight (Poem) Chapter 9 Fog

Class 10: English First Flight Chapter 9 solutions. Complete Class 10 English First Flight Chapter 9 Notes.

NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English: First Flight (Poem) Chapter 9 Fog

NCERT 10th English First Flight Chapter 9, class 10 English First Flight Chapter 9 solutions

NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English Chapter 9 Fog is provided on this page. Answers to all exercises are provided in details. These solutions are provided by expert teachers at IndCareer. Students looking for NCERT Solutions for Fog Chapter in English subject of Class 10 can also download the chapter-wise PDFs.

By Carl Sandburg

Page No: 115

Thinking about the Poem

1. (i) What does Sandburg think the fog is like?
(ii) How does the fog come?
(iii) What does ‘it’ in the third line refer to?
(iv) Does the poet actually say that the fog is like a cat? Find three things that tell us that the fog is like a cat.

(i) According to Sandburg, the fog is like a cat.

(ii) The fog comes on little cat feet.

(iii) In the third line ‘it’ refers to the fog that has covered the city and it seems as if it is looking over the city like a cat.

(iv) No, the poet does not actually say that the fog is like a cat. However, he has used cat as a metaphor for describing the fog. He says that the fog comes on its little cat feet, which implies that the fog is like a cat as it comes slowly. He also says that the fog looks over the harbour and the city and then moves on, implying that the fog has covered the city and is sitting and looking at it, thereby again comparing it to a cat. This is reiterated when he says that the fog looks over the city sitting on ‘silent hunches’. This also shows the reference to a cat as a cat always sits with its knees bent. Hence, he has compared the fog to a cat without actually saying so.

NCERT 10th English First Flight Chapter 9, class 10 English First Flight Chapter 9 solutions

2. You know that a metaphor compares two things by transferring a feature of one thing to the other (See Unit 1).

(i) Find metaphors for the following words and complete the table below.
Also try to say how they are alike. The first is done for you.

StormTigerPounces over the fields, growls


StormTigerPounces over the fields, growls
TrainGush of windVery fast movement
FireAngerDanger that surrounds both on the basis of their intensities
SchoolGatewayLeads to adulthood and a life of responsibility
HomeNestProvides hospitable, loving environment

3. Does this poem have a rhyme scheme? Poetry that does not have an obvious rhythm or rhyme is called ‘free verse’.

No, this poem does not have a rhyme scheme. It is written in free verse.

NCERT 10th English First Flight Chapter 9, class 10 English First Flight Chapter 9 solutions

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