Madhya Pradesh State Open School will be releasing the class 10 time table 2020 in the month of November 2020. The time table will be released on the official website-

look at the table below to know the important dates regarding class 10 time table.

MP Madarsa 10th Time Table 2020Important Dates
Availability of Time TableMar 2020
Examination DatesJun 2020

Time Table: To check the availability of MP Madarsa 10th Time Table June 2020 Click Here

Download Time Table: MP Madarsa 10th Time Table 2020 Click Here

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Steps For Downloading Class 10 Time Table 2020

The students should be aware about the class 10 exam dates before appearing in the exam. To know the same, you need to download the time table either by clicking on the link provided above or visiting the official website. Here, in this session, we have discussed the steps for downloading the time table. The students can follow the same to download yours.

Step.1- Firstly, visit the official website. To do so, you can click on the link provided on the page.

Step.2- After that, a new page of time table will appear on the screen.

Step.3- On this page, you need to search and navigate for class 10 madarsa time table 2019.

Step.4- You can check and download the same for future purposes.

List of Subjects Mentioned on Class 10 Time Table 2020

Before appearing in the exams, the students know the subjects which the class 10 time table includes. The list of subjects mentioned in the time table is as follows:

  • Tajurma Tafseer Quraan
  • Hadees Uloom E Hadees
  • Urdu
  • Tareekhe Islam
  • Fika Islami
  • English
  • Science
  • Economics
  • Home Science
  • Arabic
  • Hindi
  • Mathematics
  • Commerce
  • Social Studies

MP Madarsa 10th Examination 2020

MP Madarsa 10th Examination 2020 are conducted in two sessions: the one in the month of June and the other in the month of December. For the June session, Madhya Pradesh Open board conducted class 10 examination from June 07- 22, 2020. However, the result for the same was out on August 05. For the second session, the students need to get themselves registered first. In order to get registered, the students need to fill in the application form which is available online. The last date to fill the application form is September 30, 2020. After the completion of forms, the board will release the time table for class 10. However, the exams will be conducted in the month of December 2020.

How to Score Good Marks: Know Here

Here, in this session, we have discussed the some of the preparation tips which you can follow to prepare yourself better for exams.

Create a Study Schedule: The students need to create a study schedule for themselves. You need to divide your time equally among each subject. Make a schedule which you will be able to follow.

Powerpoint and Documentaries: Make it a habit of making notes of every chapter side by side. If you find it difficult to make notes, then you can look for the powerpoint and documentaries which you can download to check your result.

Sample Papers: Once you are done with the syllabus, you can pick as many sample papers as you can. Start solving it. Once you have solved it, make a list of the things you are not able to do. Now, start preparing them again. Also, you can solve the previous year question papers. You will come to know the exam pattern through this.

Make Flash Cards: You can make small flash cards and write down the headings on them. After that, pick up any card and start solving it. You will come to know the exam pattern through it.

Revision: The students should try completing their syllabus at least two days before the exam. Keep those two days for revision. Also, make sure that you don’t learn anything new on that day.

Official Website:

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All the Best!!!

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