The Department of Physics, Patna University, is one of the oldest centres of post-graduate teaching and research in our country. A large number of eminent scholars have been associated with this Department since its inception.
=> Master Of Science (M.Sc.) Physics
The areas of research that are carried out in this Department include the following :
=> Laser Interferometeric study of anomalous behavior of water.
=> Study of Nanocrystalline Magnetic Materials.
=> Photoconductivity Studies.
=> Deterministic Chaos.
=> Computational Fluid Dynamics.
The Department at present has four full time teaching faculty members. Research Facilities include a Laser and Spectroscopy Laboratory housing indigenously built Nitrogen Laser and Dye Laser equipments, a solid state research lab for studying electrical properties of thin film and crystalline materials, a DST - funded Centre for Advanced Computation (under FIST program).
There are Laboratories for Electronics & Instrumentation, Solid State Physics, Optics & Lasers, General electronics and computers. The Department has a rich Library with more than 20,000 books and journals.
A Nanomaterial laboratory is being set-up in the Department from a special development grant given by DST, Government of Bihar. This laboratory will have nanoparticle sample preparation facility and in house characterization equipments including X-ray Diffractometer, Impedance analyzer and thin- film preparation set-up.
Phone Nos : 0612-6451581(O)
Email ID : [email protected]
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