Karnataka State Women University (KSWU), Bijapur

Department of Studies in Education and Research


Aims and Objectives of the Education Programme

=> To help the students to know and understand the philosophical and sociological foundations of education.
=> To enable the students to develop an understanding of the contributions of various Indian schools of philosophy to the field of education.
=> To enable the students to understand the concepts and principles of educational psychology as an applied science.
=> To create an awareness among the students regarding the development of psychological thought and its application for human growth in the context of Indian culture.
=> To acquaint the students with the methods used for locating the problem areas and research.
=> To familiarize the students with different methods of conducting research.
=> To help the students to use simple statistical techniques and designs in educational research.
=> To enable the students to understand the concept of educational technology and its status in Indian context and process
=> To enable the students to understand the concepts, principles, approaches and models of educational planning.
=> To help the students to understand the concepts, principles, processes and techniques of educational management scientifically.

Significance of the course:

=> Understanding appreciating and developing skills in respect of special approaches, learning experiences, methods and tools, etc.
=> Actuation with educational needs of special groups of pupils.
=> Initiating a sprit of experimentation towards the teaching learning process.
=> Developing sound professional attitudes, ethics and desire for continuous professional growth.
=> Developing communication skills and to make use of modern information technology.

Courses Offered

=> Bachelor Of Education (B.Ed)
=> Master Of Education (M.Ed)
=> Master Of Philosophy (M.Phil)
=> Doctor Of Philosophy (Ph.D)


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