Department of Sanskrit
The Department was established in 1959. The Department has a collection of more than 3000 books and 500 Journals in its library. The Department has sufficient infrastructure for teaching as well as research. The Department is being supported by UGC/DSA/SAP/Phase III Programme for research on Ancient Hindu Law and Administration in Sanskrit Literature and its relevance to the modern period.
Sanskrit language being an ancient traditional Indian language has been endowed with multi-dimensional facets depicting Indian cultural religious and environmental heritage since Vedic age. A reservoir of knowledge latent in Vedas Upanishads, Smriti-texts, Ramayana, and Mahabharata etc needs to be brought to light. In addition, human values beset in these ancient texts are to be projected in such a manner that the present society should be benefited for its perennial betterment.
Besides the basic elements of the branches of physical Science like Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Medical Science, Yoga etc., and social sciences like Political Science, Commerce, Sociology and so on, or their in the ancient books of Sanskrit literature are to be brought to light before the society at large with the help of modern technology. So that the significance of Sanskrit Literature can very well be understood by one and all. And such knowledge can be procured by the Sanskrit Language if learnt from the primary school level itself. That is why, the study of Sanskrit Language needs to be implemented from the beginning itself.
The literary composition and the oral traditional system will be made available to the younger generation through which there will be an overall development and progress not only of an individual but also of the society. The purpose of learning the Vedic and classical language is to make the younger generation understand the Indian cultural and social life and tradition.
=> Master Of Arts (M.A.) in Sanskrit
=> Advance Diploma in Sanskrit
=> Certificate Course in Sanskrit
=> Doctor Of Philosophy (Ph.D)Sanskrit
=> Master Of Philosophy (M.Phil) Sanskrit
Department of Sanskrit
Karnatak University,
Pavate Nagar, Dharwad - 580 003,
Karnataka State, INDIA.
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