Kadi Sarva Vishvavidyalaya, Gandhinagar
Kadi Sarva Vishvavidyalaya, Gandhinagar
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Kadi Sarva Vishvavidyalaya, Gandhinagar

Established: 2007 Gandhinagar, Gujarat Phone: +91-79-23244690
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Kadi Sarva Vishvavidyalaya, Gandhinagar


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    "Sarva Vidyalaya Kelavani Mandal" - the trust which has been in existence for more than nine decades is a well reputed prestigious educational trust in North Gujarat.

    The alumni of Sarva Vidyalaya Kelavani Mandal has managed and nurtured the trust to its present eminence.

    The trust was formed in 1919, and commenced its activities with a school and student residential "Ashram" at Kadi in 1921 through the generous donations from the society and through the visionary efforts of "Chhaganbha" who is the establisher of the Mandal.

    The Nursing College has been established from the academic year 2008-09 in joint venture with Government of Gujarat in the Civil Hospital Premises of Gandhinagar.

    The University also has commenced Ph. D. programmes in Management, Pharmacy, Education, Bio Technology, Sociology and Social Work, Computer Science/Computer Application, Engineering & Technology, Nano Science, Psychology, Chemistry, Commerce, Physical Education, English, Gujarati, Sanskrit, Hindi, Mathematics from the Academic Year 2008-09.

    The University also has commenced M.Phil. programmes in English, Education, and Physical Education from the Academic Year 2008-09.

    Kadi Sarva Vishvavidyalaya, Gandhinagar has 9 affiliated Colleges. Click here to explore them.
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        Scholarships are grant-in-aid to a student who wants to pursue education at Kadi Sarva Vishvavidyalaya, Gandhinagar

          The Institute has an excellent e-library that serves as a knowledge resource to the need of the teachers and students.
          Sports facilities are available in the campus. Annual Sports event is held in the month of December in every year
          Good transportation facilities for its students, staff members and visiting guests.
          Proper healthcare arrangements are done by college. Proper Medical Facilities are available
          24-hours internet access for all. Wi-Fi for all
          Kadi Sarva Vishvavidyalaya, Gandhinagar
          Kadi Sarva Vishvavidyalaya
          Sector-15, KH-5,
          GUJARAT (INDIA)
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