Jain University, Bangalore
Jain University, Bangalore
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Jain University, Bangalore

Established: 1990 Bangalore, Karnataka Phone: +91 80 4343 1000 ,+91 80 4343 1000
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Jain University, Bangalore


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    Jain University is promoted by the Jain University Trust. The Jain University Trust is managed by the JGI Group. Headquartered at Bangalore, the JGI Group represents a cluster of 59 vibrant educational establishments. After 20 years, the Group is today home to over 30000 students and 3120 staff members engaged at the P - 12, undergraduate & postgraduate levels across 25 campuses and centres of excellence. Jain University (formerly Sri Bhagawan Mahaveer Jain College, SBMJC)is declared deemed to be University under section 3 of the UGC act, 1956 by the Ministry of Human Resource Development of the Union Government vide notification No.F-9-57/2007-U.3 (A) Ministry of HRD, GOI December 19, 2008 & July 24, 2009.

    Jain University brings in thought leadership with a blend of academic rigour and a hands-on applicability to real-world issues. The learning environment is enriched by a team of highly talented & motivated faculty and staff, and an illustrious leadership. The University currently offers over 60 innovative programmes at the Undergraduate, Postgraduate and Research levels. At Jain University undergraduate & postgraduate aspirants have an opportunity to fulfil education requirements, choose among a wide variety of elective courses and interdisciplinary certificate programmes and be a part of research activities undertaken by the university in diverse fields. The university offers degrees spanning Languages, Social Sciences & Humanities, Physical & Life Sciences, Engineering Science and Technology, Management and Commerce.
    Research programmes at Jain University are offered under all the six faculties. Ph.D. and M.Phil. programmes are currently undertaken in 20 disciplines, with most of the researchers involved in interdisciplinary study.

    Jain University advocates sports as an integral part of the curriculum in conformity with the holistic vision. Talented students who have reached national & international standards or in some instances played in leagues or clubs in any sport are provided academic support and scholarship.

    Jain University, Bangalore has 8 affiliated Colleges. Click here to explore them.

    Jain University, Bangalore has 6 Departments listed that offer various academic courses.

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        Scholarships are grant-in-aid to a student who wants to pursue education at Jain University, Bangalore

          The Institute has an excellent e-library that serves as a knowledge resource to the need of the teachers and students.
          Sports facilities are available in the campus. Annual Sports event is held in the month of December in every year
          Good transportation facilities for its students, staff members and visiting guests.
          Proper healthcare arrangements are done by college. Proper Medical Facilities are available
          24-hours internet access for all. Wi-Fi for all
          Jain University
          # 34, 1st Cross, JC Road,
          Bangalore - 560 001
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