Jagadguru Ramanandacharya Rajasthan Sanskrit Vishwavidyalaya, Jaipur
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Jagadguru Ramanandacharya Rajasthan Sanskrit Vishwavidyalaya, Jaipur

Established: 2001 Jaipur, Rajasthan Phone: 5132021
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Jagadguru Ramanandacharya Rajasthan Sanskrit Vishwavidyalaya, Jaipur


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    Jagadguru Ramanandacharya Rajasthan Sanskrit University, Jaipur formerly Rajasthan Sanskrit University was established in 2001 by Swami Narayan Dasji Maharaj. The university is recognized by the University Grant Commission (UGC). The university affiliates more than 50 colleges/institutions of Acharya, Shashtri and Shikshashatri level. Objective of the university is to develop and preserve the Sanskrit language and also to promote Sanskrit learning in the state. Not declared fit to receive Central/UGC assistance under Section 12 (B) of the UGC Act-1956. The university, which is the member of Indian Association of Universities, publishes an annual Sanskrit magazine named Akshara. The university was set up for the development and preservation of the Sanskrit language and also to propagate and promote Sanskrit learning in the state. Sanskrit is considered as the evolutionary language for several languages spoken in these days. In 2005, it was christened Jagadguru Ramanandachary Rajasthan Sanskrit University, Jaipur.

    Jagadguru Ramanandacharya Rajasthan Sanskrit Vishwavidyalaya, Jaipur has 1 affiliated Colleges. Click here to explore them.

    Jagadguru Ramanandacharya Rajasthan Sanskrit Vishwavidyalaya, Jaipur has 14 Departments listed that offer various academic courses.

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        Scholarships are grant-in-aid to a student who wants to pursue education at Jagadguru Ramanandacharya Rajasthan Sanskrit Vishwavidyalaya, Jaipur

          The Institute has an excellent e-library that serves as a knowledge resource to the need of the teachers and students.
          Sports facilities are available in the campus. Annual Sports event is held in the month of December in every year
          Good transportation facilities for its students, staff members and visiting guests.
          Proper healthcare arrangements are done by college. Proper Medical Facilities are available
          24-hours internet access for all. Wi-Fi for all
          VILL. MADAU,
          Are you Interested in studying at Jagadguru Ramanandacharya Rajasthan Sanskrit Vishwavidyalaya, Jaipur?
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