Diploma Computer Management (DCM) - Govt Medical College, Bhavnagar

Mode of Learning:

Full Time

Course Level:

Diploma / Certification

Course Duration:

1 Year

Course Description:

Govt Medical College, Bhavnagar is offering Diploma Computer Management (DCM). In this section, learn about the Diploma Computer Management (DCM) course at Govt Medical College, Bhavnagar

Govt Medical College, Bhavnagar offers 1 Year Full Time Diploma / Certification in Diploma Computer Management (DCM)

Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS), is a five to six years Undergraduate professional medicines and surgery degree program in India. The study is designed to provide depth and basic knowledge of the human body to fulfill the requirement of the power of confidence and concentration in young candidates.The course facilitates candidates to understand and gain knowledge of Individual field and specialty of Medicines.
Duration: 5.5 Year    Learning Mode: Full Time    Course Level: Bachelors Degree View Details
Master of Surgery (MS) is a three years Postgraduate Surgical course in India. The Medical Council of India (MCI) is a Statutory body which is responsible for establishing and maintaining high standards of Medical Education in Country. The course is designed to develop skill as a self directed learning, recognize continuing education needs required for appropriate learning resources to practices surgery. The course facilitates candidates to understand and gain knowledge of Individual field and speciality of Medicines.
Duration: 3 Years    Learning Mode: Full Time    Course Level: Masters Degree View Details
The Doctor of Medicine (MD) is a three years Postgraduate advance medical courses in India. The Doctorate study based on gaining an in-depth knowledge candidate can choose the specialized field. The Medical Council of India (MCI), is the authority which approves and monitored various institutes to provide doctor of medicine degree course in India. M.D. Course in more practical oriented or research based deeper study.
Duration: 3 Years    Learning Mode: Full Time    Course Level: Doctoral / PhD Programs View Details
Diploma Commercial Practice (DCP) - Commercial Practice is a day-long event aimed at exploring what research is going on within commercial practice as distinct from academia or 'alternative' practices, political activism and so forth.The symposium will explore issues like; sharing what research is currently being carried out within practices, discussing how this is enacted and managed within a commercial setting, reviewing the value of such research work for the practice and other bodies, commercial sensitivities, the potential for links with external research bodies, funding sources and how t
Duration: 1 Year    Learning Mode: Full Time    Course Level: Diploma / Certification View Details
Diploma in Dermatology, Venereology & Leprocy(DDVL) - The programs intends to impart to the post graduate student, professional competence in diagnosis and management of sexually transmitted diseases, common skin diseases, cosmetic dermatological diseases and leprosy independently. Graduant must independently be able to attend medical emergencies related to skin, venereal diseases and leprosy and adopt preventive measures at individual and community levels against communicable and non-communicable venereal diseases, skin diseases, leprosy and other such ailments.
Duration: 1 Year    Learning Mode: Full Time    Course Level: Diploma / Certification View Details

Note: The above courses are picked automatically by the website for indicative purpose only. However, students are requested to check with the University for the similarity of the course or for any other information in regard to the course.

Syllabus presented on this page is indicative and for general information only. The syllabus / course information listed may not be exhuastive. Students / Visitors are advised to contact the University directly for the official, detailed and accurate Syllabus, Transcripts and other information. List of course names mentioned here is partial and are not comprehensive and the institution would be offering many other courses than those mentioned on this page.

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