IGNOU B.Ed Syllabus
IGNOU B.Ed Syllabus

The IGNOU B.Ed Syllabus has been published by the Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU). If you’re gearing up for the Indira Gandhi National Open University Bachelor in Education Entrance Exam, you can now download the IGNOU B.Ed Entrance Exam Syllabus PDF to effectively prepare for the examination. The syllabus outlines the subjects and topics that you need to cover in your preparation for the IGNOU B.Ed exam.

By thoroughly completing the syllabus and focusing on other aspects of IGNOU B.Ed preparation, you can aim to achieve a good score and rank in the IGNOU B.Ed examination.

IGNOU B.Ed Syllabus

IGNOU B.Ed Syllabus PDF Download Link – You can download the syllabus as per its issuance by IGNOU at ignou.ac.in.

IGNOU B.Ed Entrance Exam Section-wise Topics

IGNOU B.Ed Entrance Exam Syllabus is divided into two sections. As per IGNOU B.Ed Entrance Exam Syllabus, the section Educational & General Awareness and Teaching-Learning & the School carries the maximum question whereas the section General English Comprehension carries the minimum weightage.

General English Comprehension Topics

The section General English Comprehension in IGNOU B.Ed Entrance Exam Syllabus covers various topics.

  • And candidates can expect at least two questions from each topic.
  • A total of 10 questions are going to be framed from this section.
Basic grammarAntonyms
SynonymsReading comprehension
Idioms & Phrases
General English Comprehension Topics

Logical & Analytical Reasoning Topics

  • From this section, candidates can expect 2 to 3 questions on each topic.
  • A total of 20 questions are going to be framed from this section. In the below table, all the topics are given.
Alphanumeric SeriesAnalogy
ClassificationCoding – Decoding
Number SeriesBlood relation
Logical reasoning (Syllogism, question-based on the statement)
Logical & Analytical Reasoning Topics

Educational & General Awareness Topics

  • From this section, candidates can expect around 5 questions in each topic.
  • A total of 25 questions are expected.
GeographySocial science
Current AffairsHistory
Political Science
Educational & General Awareness Topics

Teaching-Learning & School Topics

Also, this section along with the section Educational & General Awareness carries the maximum weightage in IGNOU B.Ed Entrance Exam 2024 Syllabus. Around 2 to 3 questions from each topic are expected. A total of 25 objective-type questions are expected from this section.

Aptitude & Development of StudentResponsibility towards Societies
Development of Teacher Education IndiaTeaching Ability
Experiments Related to School & New Findings ActivitiesFundamentals & Principle of Education
Child-Centered & Progressive EducationInclusive Education
Learning & Pedagogy
Teaching-Learning & School Topics

IGNOU B.Ed Entrance Exam Part B: Elected Subjects Topics

For IGNOU B.Ed Entrance Exam, candidates can select the subject as per their preferences.

Social ScienceEnglish

IGNOU B.Ed Entrance Exam Pattern

  • IGNOU B.Ed Entrance Exam is going to be conducted online, as a computer-based test.
  • Candidates are going to be provided 2 hours to complete the exam.
  • IGNOU B.Ed Entrance Exam is going to consist of a total of 100 multiple-choice questions.
  • Candidates can attempt the exam in either English or Hindi languages.
SectionNo. of QuestionsMarks
Part A
General English Comprehension1010
Logical & Analytical Reasoning2020
Educational & General AwarenessTeaching-Learning & the School25 (Each)50
Part B
Chosen SubjectScienceMathematicsSocial ScienceEnglishHindi2020
IGNOU B.Ed Entrance Exam Pattern

IGNOU B.Ed Entrance Marking Scheme 

Correct Answer+1
Incorrect Answer0
Unattempted Question0
Total Marks100
IGNOU B.Ed Entrance Marking Scheme 

How to download IGNOU B.Ed Syllabus?

To download the syllabus of IGNOU B.Ed from indcareer.com, follow these simple steps:

  1. Use the search term “IGNOU B.Ed syllabus” to find the relevant page on indcareer.com and navigate to it.
  2. Once on the page, locate and click on the link provided for the syllabus for the IGNOU B.Ed exam to open the document.
  3. After accessing the syllabus document, click on the “download PDF” link to save the syllabus of the Indira Gandhi National Open University Bachelor in Education Entrance Exam to your device.

It’s crucial to study all the topics outlined in the syllabus for this education entrance exam. Additionally, solving IGNOU B.Ed previous year question papers will help you understand the types of questions to expect in the exam conducted by IGNOU and the chapter-wise weightage. Make sure to study all the topics of the IGNOU B.Ed Entrance Exam syllabus from IGNOU B.Ed Preparation Books for comprehensive preparation.


The IGNOU B.Ed exam is a university-level education entrance exam conducted by the Indira Gandhi National Open University. Its primary objective is to facilitate admissions into the IGNOU School of Education for the B.Ed program.

IGNOU B.Ed Syllabus – An Overview

Name of ExamIGNOU B.Ed Entrance Exam
Full FormIndira Gandhi National Open University Bachelor in Education Entrance Exam
Study material HereSyllabus of IGNOU B.Ed Entrance Exam
Similar ExamsEducation Entrance Exams
Official Body for Exam and Its SyllabusIGNOU
Full Name of BodyIndira Gandhi National Open University
Level of ExaminationUniversity Level
States of Region Where Institutes Accepting Exam Scores AreDelhi, NCR
Exam and Syllabus Official Websiteignou.ac.in
Courses Where Admission Is Through This ExamB.Ed
Colleges Where Admission Is Through This ExamIGNOU School of Education
IGNOU B.Ed Syllabus – An Overview

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