Department of Physics
The Department of Physics, Dibrugarh University was established in 1967. The department started functioning with four teachers: Dr. K. M. Khanna as Professor and Head, Dr. K. Barua, Dr. B. Baishya and Mr. P. K. Baruah. The current faculty strength of the department is: five professors, two readers (one on lien) and four lecturers. The primary objective of the department is to provide for instruction and research in Physics of a standard and thoroughness required and expected of a post graduate centre of the highest standing and to secure advancement, diffusion and extension of knowledge of Physics keeping in view the needs of the state in particular and of the nation in general. Frequent interactions with the Physics teachers working in the affiliated colleges, holding of intensive workshops for them, holding of seminars of regional, national and international character, periodical review and up gradation of teaching curriculum, introduction of innovative schemes of Physics education are some of the other basic objectives of the department.
To achieve excellence in pursuit of truth and expansion of boundaries of knowledge in physics To achieve, sustain and excel in international standard in the field of research. To interact with the society in propagating scientific ideas to mould the mindset of the population in the desired direction taking help of facilities of improved technologies of mass communication. To establish itself as a centre of excellence in physics attuning itself to the national mainstream of scientific thinking. To launch effective outreach activities, evolving mechanisms for talent search in schools and colleges.
Department of Physics
Dibrugarh University
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