Master of Veterinary Science (MVSc Microbiology)

Master of Veterinary Science (MVSc Microbiology)

Learning Mode:

Full Time

Course Level:

Masters Degree

Course Duration:

2 Years


The candidate should have pass in recognized board or university or equivalent

Course Details:

M.V.Sc Microbiology - Exposure to certain kinds of bacteria, molds, viruses, and single-celled organisms can lead to health risks for human beings. EPA microbiologists study how these organisms and pathogens spread in areas where people live, work, and play—and how we can limit our exposures to the types that can be hazardous to our health. EPA scientists have developed methods for detecting, characterizing and measuring bacteria, viruses and protozoa in drinking water, ground water and recreational water. DNA and immuno-based methods, as well traditional cultural methods, are used to measure hazardous bacteria, viruses, fungi and protozoa. Analytical quantitative methods are developed to measure human risk factors associated with inhalation, ingestion and dermal pathways.


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