To impart Applied Mathematical knowledge to meet the vibrant environment, challenges of the modern world and to anticipate the future demand. To develop problem solving skills using the latest available technologies.
To make students learn and to model the real life problems and explore their solutions.
=> M.Sc. Mathematics
=> M.Sc. Acturial Science
=> M.Phil Mathematics
=> Ph.D Mathematics
The department has well equipped computer lab consisting of 10 computer systems installed with math softwares like MATLAB, MATHEMATICA, internet connections and Printers. Also the department has additional facilities such as Laptop, LCD projector and Over Head projector.
The Ph.D programme at the School of Science and Humanities started in the year 2009. The programme consists of coursework (Four Courses) and thesis writing. A Doctoral Committee will guide the researcher in carrying out the coursework & thesis work. Compulsory course is “RESEARCH METHODOLOGY”. The other three courses will be specified by the Doctoral Committee consisting of Ex-Officio, the Guide and the Internal & External Members from reputed institutions. At present, there are 14 Research Scholars (4 Full Time & 10 Part Time) pursuing their Ph.D programme.
Department of Mathemaitcs
B.S.Abdur Rahman University
Chennai 600 048.
Phone :+91-44-22751347,48,50,75
Email : [email protected]
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