Bihar Agricultural University,Sabour

Department Veterinary & Animal Husbandry Extension


Department Veterinary & Animal Husbandry Extension

The department veterinary & animal husbandry extension education is mainly engaged in teaching of under graduate student as per VCI syllabus. Besides teaching, the department organize rural camps viz. Awareness camp, animal health camp with the involvement of student with a sole objective to provide practical knowledge to students with real field situation. The awareness camp, health camp, Kisan gosthi & group discussion is organized to improve the farmers knowledge, skill & capacity building of students in handling village situation.

Under extension activities the department organize on campus training with coordination of BAMETI & ATMA. The other extension activities of the department is the arrangement of Stall in Kisan Mela, organizing cattle show in kisan mela, publication of extension literature and circulation among farmer, delivering of radio & television talk, participation in state agriculture extension programmes, participation in seminar, symposium, conference, kisan gosthi organized by university, NGOs, pharmaceutical companies & other organizations.

Under research activity the department is engaged in publishing research papers, theme papers, abstract papers & formulation of research projects. Recently three research projects have been submitted by the department.

To achieve excellency in under graduate teaching, under vety. & animal husbandry extension education as per VCI syllabus.
To develop students skill & knowledge in handling village situation.
To carry out extension activities for transfer of technology of new innovation in animal husbandry practices.
To carry out research activities to develop economic status of farming communities

Department Veterinary & Animal Husbandry Extension
Bihar Agricultural University,Sabour
Bihar Veterinary College,


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