Bihar Agricultural University,Sabour

Department of Livestock Products Technology


Department of Livestock Products Technology

The Department was established on 23rd November 1985 and named as Department of Animal Products Technology. Dr. J.N. Singh was the founder Professor of the Department. In the year 1998, the Department was renamed as Department of Livestock Products Technology. The Department has adequate facilities for meat & meat products processing and packaging as well as certain milk products processing.

To develop human resources for livestock products and by-products handling, processing, quality control, packaging and marketing for private and government sector by educating U.G. & P.G. students in respective area.
To develop entrepreneurship among the youth mainly of Bihar for self-employment in the area of egg, meat, milk etc. processing for products preparation.
To develop small and medium enterprises in the area of Livestock Products technology.
To educate the farmers through extension media for various animals products development to enhance their economic status.
To conduct researches on need based problems in the area of Livestock Products Technology and dissipate their findings through lab. to land programme.

Department of Livestock Products Technology
Bihar Agricultural University,Sabour
Bihar Veterinary College,


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