Visions of the Genetics are learning (enhancing access to quality education), discovery (expanding knowledge through research) and engagement (collaborating with diverse institution, communities and people to improve live). Important research and technology developed by the departmental scientists and out put which has been used in the commercial application are:
a) three photoperiod sensitive varieties of capsularis jute
b) one olitorius jute variety
c) one tomato variety by mutation breeding
d) two rice bean varieties and
e) one US patent pending on ‘Methods and composition for expressing multiple genes in plants by alternate splicing of a polycistronic message’.
Major areas of research activities of our faculty members are on in vitro culture of tea, medicinal and aromatic plants for rapid micro-propagation and high secondary metabolites, identification of molecular markers linked with biotic and abiotic stress tolerant gene in greengram, blackgram, chilly etc., marker assisted breeding in rice and rice bean, genetics of plant –microbes interaction (specially of Phytophthora) and plant para- retro virus promoters.
=> Master Of Science (M.Sc.)
=> Doctor Of Philosophy (Ph.D)
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