Internet has become a big source of communication and with the advent of technological innovations knowledge sharing became easier. It increased the reach of common man to a vast knowledge base just with the click of the mouse. Previously it was one way communication but with web 2.0 technology its two way communication. Web 2.0 helps in networking, finding solutions to problems, share our ideas and views by means of blog and help in selling better. We Can put our ideas and get feedback's, this lets us know the strength of our idea and lets us know loop holes and make corrections before we try them on-field.
People benefit a lot by means of social networking and they get to know each other better. They can share their ideas and views and even comment on other view points. Web 2.0 is a boon to Employers. They can communicate with their employees and solve problems. Companies which have diverse employees distributed across the globe hardly communicate with each other. With web 2.0 they can share common problems and solutions. A new employee who is not familiar with the new technical environment adjusts and learns by going through the company's website where other employees have shared solutions. It has reduced costs incurred in sales by companies. All companies whether big or small spends a big chunk on sales. Now they can talk to their interested customers by means of video conferencing and show them their product. This reduces the cost incurred in traveling. When the client is interested in making a deal the sales representative can reach and close the deal. Customers can know about the product they are buying from the available feedback's.
User generated content helps in better understanding and we get vast knowledge. Microsoft used web 2.0 technologies to increase sales. All expert executives made power point presentation and videos on different topics of presentation. The sales team could go through these presentations again and again until they gained total confidence. This helped in increasing sales of their software. It also increased self confidence of the employees because they could access information according to their need. Web 2.0 helps in contributing our view and also make judgments. It has reduced the gap between top executives and employees, now they can know about ongoing activities of the company and also provide inputs. Suggestion given by employees are valuable and this two way communication bridges the gap and makes a company profitable.
Web 2.0 has definitely utilized all resources and has made all information available to the common mass. We can increase our reach and get heard. Communication flows faster reducing grapevine. The new learning environment improves productivity of employees there by improving performance of the company and creates a healthy work environment.
By Rashmi Priya