Sweet Angels Preschool

“Sweet Angels Preschool” is working under the banner of “SILIGURI TECHNOCRAFT INSTITUTIONS”, an educational institute situated in Siliguri, regd. under the West Bengal Societies Registration Act, 1961. Regd. no. S/2L/14825 of 2013-14.“Siliguri Technocraft Institutions” which consist of Computer centers, IT Education, Tally Champs franchise, School Computer Literacy Program, Distance Education, Web Designing & Software development wings, CRM/ERP Marketing & E-commerce, Consultancies, Art Academy, language classes & Coaching Classes started its journey since 2009. Technocraft now has three branches in Siliguri and Jalpaiguri, and more than ten information centers in North Bengal.

Technocraft Group, 262, Ashutosh Mukherjee Road, College Para
Siliguri, West Bengal 734001 , India
School Website