CL Aggarwal DAV Model School

CL Aggarwal DAV Model School, Sector 7-B, Chandigarh is located in the heart of the city which is prime VIP area. The school is emerging Co-educational institution recognised by UT Education Board and Controlled by DAV College Mahagirtt, Com. mittee, New Delhi. The School has beauful building with well ventillated rooms and corridors. The playground has one skaing, badminton and basketball courts. There is lush green lawns with herbal garden.
CL Aggarwal DAV Model School is a dream place to excel and abide in all parameters of an educational institution founded in the year 1955. It si directly run by DAVCMC New Delhi. School has well equipped laboratory, library, computer room and well furnished kindergarten learnig is made fun with the help of movies, toys and play way methods for the tiny tots. School promotes all round development in students through games like table soccer, chess, badminton, Table tennis and to eradicate boredom of curriculum. School is designed to ensure the progress of each student through activities. We believe in combining the secular education, our vedic value culture and heritage with a motive to prepare the students to free future challenges of today’s world.Regular interaction with the parents imbibe the duo to take the remedial steps in improving the overall performance of the child and to groom their entity. Weekly hawans make the school atmosphere congenial and receptive to education.

  • Senior Secondary School
  • CBSE Board
  • Private School
  • Co-Educational School
Sector 7-B
Chandigarh, Chandigarh 160019 , India
(0172) 2790092
School Website