NCERT Exemplar Class 7 Maths Chapter 7: Comparing Quantities
NCERT Exemplar Class 7 Maths Chapter 7: Comparing Quantities

NCERT Exemplar Class 7 Maths Chapter 7: Comparing Quantities. NCERT Exemplar Solutions for Class 7 Maths Chapter 7 Comparing Quantities prepare students for their Class 7 exams thoroughly.

Maths problems and solutions for the Class 7 pdf are provided here which are similar to the questions being asked in the previous year’s board.

NCERT Exemplar Class 7 Maths Chapter 7: Comparing Quantities

Class 7: Maths Chapter 7 solutions. Complete Class 7 Maths Chapter 7 Notes.

Main Concepts and Results

To compare two quantities, their units must be the same.
Two ratios can be compared by converting them into like fractions. If the two fractions are equal, we say that the two given ratios are equivalent.
If two ratios are equivalent (or equal), then the involved four quantities are said to be in proportion.
One of the ways of comparing quantities is percentage. Per cent is derived from Latin word ‘per centum’ meaning ‘per hundred’.
Percent is represented by the symbol % and means hundredth too.
Fractions can be converted into percentages and vice-versa.
Decimals can also be converted into percentages and vice-versa.
The buying price of any item is known as its cost price. It is written in short as CP.
The price at which an item is sold, is known as its selling price or in short SP.
If CP < SP, then a profit is made and Profit = SP – CP.
If CP = SP, there is no profit or loss.
If CP > SP, then a loss is made and Loss = CP – SP.
Profit per cent =

Loss per cent =

Principal’ P, means the borrowed money.
The extra money paid by borrower for using borrowed money for given time is called ‘Interest’ I.
The period for which the money is borrowed is called ‘Time Period’ T.
To determine Interest to be paid, we have ‘Rate of Interest’.
Rate of Interest is generally given in per cent per year.
On a principal of ₹ P at R % rate of interest per year, the interest (simple) I paid for T years is given by
The total money paid alongwith interest or principal P is called amount (A). Thus A = P + I.

Solved Examples

Multiple Choice Questions

Class 7 Important Questions for Maths – Comparing Quantities

Fill in the Blanks Type Questions

Class 7 Important Questions for Maths – Comparing Quantities

True False Type Questions

Class 7 Important Questions for Maths – Comparing Quantities

Other Important Type Questions

Class 7 Important Questions for Maths – Comparing Quantities


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