NCERT Books for Class 11 Biology
NCERT Books for Class 11 Biology

Whether the students appear for standard unit tests or final board exams, it is important to follow NCERT books according to the CBSE-prescribed syllabus and paper pattern.

NEET is the only entrance Exam to get admission to Medical colleges across India. The syllabus of this Examination includes both NCERT books for Class 11 Biology and 12th Biology curriculum.

NCERT Books for Class 11 Biology

Given below are direct download links to NCERT Books – Biology I and Biology II; both combined (full book) and separate chapter-wise PDFs.

Download NCERT Book for Class 11 Biology

Download NCERT Book for Class 11 Biology
NCERT Biology Book for Class 11 in English
NCERT Biology Book for Class 11 in Hindi
Download NCERT Book for Class 11 Biology

Chapter-wise NCERT Biology Book for Class 11 in English

Unit 1: Diversity in the Living World
Chapter 1- The Living World
Chapter 2- Biological Classification
Chapter 3- Plant Kingdom
Chapter 4- Animal Kingdom
Unit 2: Structural Organisation in Plants and Animals
Chapter 5- Morphology of Flowering Plants
Chapter 6- Anatomy of Flowering Plants
Chapter 7- Structural Organisation in Animals
Unit 3: Cell- Structure and Functions
Chapter 8: Cell: The Unit of Life
Chapter 9: Biomolecules
Chapter 10: Cell Cycle and Cell Division
Unit 4: Plant Physiology
Chapter 11: Transport in Plants
Chapter 12: Mineral Nutrition
Chapter 13: Photosynthesis in Higher Plants
Chapter 14: Respiration in Plants
Chapter 15: Plant Growth and Development
Unit 5: Human Physiology
Chapter 16: Digestion and Absorption
Chapter 17: Breathing and Exchange of Gases
Chapter 18: Body Fluids and Circulation
Chapter 19: Excretory Products and Their Elimination
Chapter 20: Locomotion and Movement
Chapter 21: Neural Control and Coordination
Chapter 22: Chemical Coordination and Integration
Chapter-wise NCERT Biology Book for Class 11 in English

NCERT Book for Class 11 Biology Chapters in Hindi

इकाई एक जीव जगत में विविध्त
अध्याय 1 जीव जगत
अध्याय 2 जीव जगत का वर्गीकरण
अध्याय 3 वनस्पति जगत
अध्याय 4 प्राणि जगत
इकाई दो पादप एवं प्राणियों में संरचनात्मक संगठन
अध्याय 5 पुष्पी पादपों का आकारिकी
अध्याय 6 पुष्पी पादपों का शारीर
अध्याय 7 प्राणियों में संरचनात्मक संगठन
इकाई तीन कोशिकाः संरचना एवं काय
अध्याय 8 कोशिका : जीवन की इकाई
अध्याय 9 जैव अण
अध्याय 10 कोशिका चक्र और कोशिका विभाजन
इकाई चार पादप कार्यकीय ;शरीर क्रियात्मकताद्ध
अध्याय 11 पौधों में परिवहन
अध्याय 12 खनिज पोषण
अध्याय 13 उच्च पादपों में प्रकाश-संश्लेषण
अध्याय 14 पादप में श्वसन
अध्याय 15 पादप वृद्धि एवं परिवर्धन
इकाई पाँच मानव शरीर विज्ञान
अध्याय 16 पाचन एवं अवशोषण
अध्याय 17 श्वसन और गैसों का विनिमय
अध्याय 18 शरीर द्रव तथा परिसंचरण
अध्याय 19 उत्सर्जी उत्पाद एवं उनका निष्कासन
अध्याय 20 गमन एवं संचलन
अध्याय 21 तंत्रिकीय नियंत्राण एवं समन्वय
अध्याय 22 रासायनिक समन्वय तथा एकीकरण
NCERT Book for Class 11 Biology Chapters in Hindi

Why Should One Read NCERT Book for Class 11 Biology?

There are several reasons why one should read NCERT books, particularly for Class 11 Biology:

  1. NCERT books are written by subject experts and cover the entire syllabus for Class 11 Biology as prescribed by the CBSE (Central Board of Secondary Education). This means that reading NCERT books will give you a thorough understanding of all the concepts covered in your exams.
  2. NCERT books are known for their simple and easy-to-understand language, which makes them suitable for students of all abilities. This makes them an excellent resource for students who are struggling to grasp the concepts in their Maths class.
  3. NCERT books provide a lot of solved examples and exercises at the end of each chapter, which can help you practice the concepts you have learned. This can be particularly helpful if you are preparing for your exams.
  4. NCERT books are widely used by teachers and schools, so if you read them, you can be sure that you are studying the same material that is being taught in your classroom. This can be especially helpful if you have missed any classes or if you want to reinforce your understanding of the concepts.
  5. Many competitive exams such as the JEE (Joint Entrance Exam) and NEET (National Eligibility cum Entrance Test) also recommend NCERT books as a primary resource for preparation. So, by reading NCERT books for Class 11 Maths, you can also prepare for these exams simultaneously.


Where can I get accurate solutions for NCERT Books for Class 11 Biology?

You can get the accurate solution for NCERT Solution for Class 11 Biology on IndCareer.