NCERT Book for Class 6 Maths
NCERT Book for Class 6 Maths

NCERT book for Class 6 Maths is a comprehensive textbook that covers all the important concepts and topics in mathematics for students in sixth grade. The book is written in a clear and easy-to-understand language, making it accessible for students of all learning levels. The book follows the curriculum and syllabus set by the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) and is widely used as the primary textbook for students in India.

NCERT Book for Class 6 Maths

These NCERT Class 6 Maths books are available in three languages- English, Hindi, and Urdu, for the convenience of the students.

NCERT Books for Class 6 Maths in English Medium are given below to download in PDF form for free. There is a total of 14 chapters in grade 6 Maths.

NCERT Books for Class 6 Maths – English Medium

NCERT Book for Class 6 Maths Chapter-wise

NCERT Textbooks for 6th Class Maths Exemplar Problems

  • Chapter 1: Number System
  • Chapter 2: Geometry
  • Chapter 3: Integers
  • Chapter 4: Fractions and Decimals
  • Chapter 5: Data Handling
  • Chapter 6: Mensuration
  • Chapter 7: Algebra
  • Chapter 8: Ratio and Proportion
  • Chapter 9: Symmetry and Practical Geometry
  • Answers

NCERT Exemplar for 6th Class Maths (गणित) – Hindi Medium

  • अध्याय 1: अपनी संख्याओं की जानकारी
  • अध्याय 2: पूर्ण संख्याएँ
  • अध्याय 3: संख्याओं के साथ खेलना
  • अध्याय 4: आधारभूत ज्यामितीय अवधारणाएँ
  • अध्याय 5: प्रारंभिक आकारों को समझना
  • अध्याय 6: पूर्णांक
  • अध्याय 7: भिन्न
  • अध्याय 8: दशमलव
  • अध्याय 9: आँकड़ों का प्रबंधन
  • अध्याय 10: क्षेत्रमिति
  • अध्याय 11: बीजगणित
  • अध्याय 12: अनुपात और समानुपात
  • अध्याय 13: सममिति
  • अध्याय 14: प्रायोगिक ज्यामिती
  • उत्तरमाला

NCERT Exemplar for 6th Class Maths (गणित) – Hindi Medium

  • यूनिट 1 (संख्या प्रणाली)
  • यूनिट 2 (ज्यामिति)
  • यूनिट 3 (पूर्णांक)
  • यूनिट 4 (भिन्न और दशमलव))
  • यूनिट 5 (आकड़ो का प्रबंधन)
  • यूनिट 6 (क्षेत्रमिति)
  • यूनिट 7 (बीजगणित)
  • यूनिट 8 (अनुपात और समानुपात)
  • यूनिट 9 (सममिति और प्रायोगिक ज्यामिति)
  • उत्तरमाला

The book includes chapters on whole numbers, decimal numbers, integers, fractions, and decimals, as well as chapters on geometry, algebra, and data handling. Each chapter includes a variety of examples and exercises to help students understand and practice the concepts being taught. The book also includes a variety of illustrations and diagrams to help students visualize the concepts.

The book also includes a number of solved examples and practice questions, which can help students to understand and apply the concepts being taught. Additionally, the book includes chapter-wise summaries, quick revision notes, and a detailed explanation of key concepts and formulas which can help students quickly revise important topics.

In summary, the NCERT book for Class 6 Maths is a comprehensive and reliable resource for students, teachers, and parents. It is an excellent tool for learning and practicing mathematics and can help students to achieve success in their studies.

Benefits of Studying from NCERT Class 6 Maths Books

NCERT textbooks are followed all across the country by schools affiliated with CBSE. By referring to NCERT Books for Class 6, students will develop a strong foundation for the higher classes. These books help develop young minds and guide them toward the right path with respect to academics.

Listed below are some of the key benefits of referring to NCERT books for Class 6:

  • NCERT textbooks provide a comprehensive understanding of the subjects in a simple and easy language.
  • All basic concepts are included in NCERT books.
  • NCERT books explain all the concepts in detail with the help of relevant examples.
  • Many teachers recommend these books as the best study material for the CBSE board exams.
  • NCERT books offer a variety of problems and questions to students for practice.
  • NCERT textbooks follow CBSE guidelines and curriculum.