Major Theories in Biology
Major Theories in Biology
1)Stelar TheoryPteridophytes
2)Viroid discovery by Deinni
3)Colloidal nature of protoplasmFisher & Hardy
4)Pyrinosase & furanoseBasis of Thermodynamics ⇾ Haworth
5)Mark Schultz Proposed protoplasm Theory (later by Hertwig)
6)J. E. Purkinje Coined term Protoplasm
7)Corti (1772)1st observed Protoplasm
8)DujardinCalled it Sarcode
9)Leeuwenhoek first Observed animal cell
10)Malpighi & Grew Observed plant cellBladder & Utricles
11)1st Develop Tissue CultureHarrison
12)Phenomenon of antibiosisBabes
13)Concept of antibiosisvanilla
14)Enzyme diastasepayen & Persoz
15)Neo Lamarckismspeneck – medugal
16)Scientific Basis of vaccinationPasteur
17)Steroid ConversionMurray & Peterson
18)Neo DarwinJohn Ray
19)Theory of pangenesisDarwin
20)Theory of Germ layerKarl von Baer (1792 – 1876)
21)Theory of reflex nervousmuller & Marskey
22)Theory of organizer conceptSpemann
23)Theory of Presumptive organ regionVogt
24)Theory EpigenesisWolff
25)VitaminAxel Holst
26)EnzymeEduard Buchner
27)ParthenogenesisCharles Bonnet
28)John RayDefinition of Species
29)Rudolf Ludwig Carl VirchowOmnis Cellula e cellula
30)Industrial melanism 1st by Fisher & E. B. ford
31)Industrial Melanism Recent by HBD Kettlewell
32)Genetics & Origin of SpeciesDobzhansky
33)Neo LamarckismAlpheus S. Packard Jr.
34)Neo DarwinismG. J. Romanes.
Major Theories in Biology