NIFT Syllabus
NIFT Syllabus

The National Institute of Fashion Technology (NIFT) has released the syllabus for the 2025 entrance examination. If you are gearing up for the NIFT Entrance Examination, you have the option to download the PDF of the NIFT Entrance Examination Syllabus for your preparation. The syllabus outlines the subjects and topics to focus on for the entrance exam. By thoroughly covering this exam syllabus and addressing other aspects of NIFT preparation, you can aspire to achieve a high score and ranking in the NIFT 2025 examination.

NIFT Syllabus

NIFT 2025 Syllabus PDF Download Link – You can download the 2025 syllabus as per its issuance by NIFT at

Format of NIFT Exam

Format of entrance test for B.F.Tech, B.Des, M.Des, M.F.Tech, and M.F.M courses.

CourseStage 1 – Written ExamsStage 1 – Written ExamsStage2
B.DesGATCATSituation Test
M.DesGATCATPersonal Interview
M.F.TechGATPersonal Interview
M.F.MGATPersonal Interview
Format of NIFT Exam

NIFT GAT Syllabus

The following skills will be tested in the GAT exam.

TopicsSkill Tested, Types of questions
Quantitative AbilityThis sub-test is designed to test the quantitative ability of the candidates. The subtest consists of questions on Addition, Multiplication, Division, Fractions, Percentages, Rate of Interest, Work and Task, Ratio and Proportion, and Distance.
Communication Ability and English ComprehensionThis sub-test is aimed at testing the language ability of the candidates in day-to-day communication in English. It includes questions on synonyms, antonyms, words with corresponding meanings, singular, plural, one-word substitutes, idioms and phrases, correct spellings, comprehending a situation from a given passage, etc.
Analytical Ability and Logical AbilityThis sub-test is designed to test the candidate’s capacity for inference and logic from the given information and to evaluate the candidate’s ability to identify the given problem and apply reasoning in solving the core issues of the problem. Concepts and practices of creative and lateral thinking are likely to be useful.
General Knowledge and Current AffairsThis sub-test is designed to test the candidate’s general knowledge and current affairs. Candidates must keep themselves updated with the latest happenings. 
Case Study  This sub-test is based on a situation in an industry environment. It helps to evaluate the candidate’s managerial ability.
NIFT GAT Syllabus

NIFT Syllabus for CAT

If you are seeking admission to the B.Des or M.Des course, then you need to take the CAT exam.

  • The CAT test is administered to evaluate the intuitive ability, power of observation concept development, and design ability of the candidate. An important aspect of the test is the creative and innovative use of color and illustration skills
  • During the course of the exam, the candidate is not allowed to reveal their identity by marking the answer sheet. If found guilty, the candidate will be disqualified. 

Important topics for NIFT CAT Paper

Design TheoryColour TerminologyInspiration & Design Development
Colour Psychology & Optical IllusionsElements & Principles Of DesignMood, Theme & Colour Inter-relationship
Natural & Geometrical FormInnovation in DesignPrinciples of Composition
Creative thinking & writingOptical IllusionUnderstanding Light & Shade
Visual LogicForm & FunctionColour, Pattern & Texture
Theme DevelopmentDrawing FundamentalsPicture Analysis
Memory DrawingInspiration & CreativityOrnaments & motifs
Use of Measurements, Scale & proportionsOptical IllusionForeshortening & Perspective
Developing Themes & Colour AssociationsUsage of Colour in CompositionsImagination & Doodling
3D VisualisationPresentation TechniquesExpression & Emotion
Exercises on imaginationLateral ThinkingStory Pictures
Graphics & PictogramsInnovation & CreationDesign Awareness
Important topics for NIFT CAT Paper

Syllabus for NIFT Situation Test 

B.Des candidates will be shortlisted for a Situation Test based on performance in the written tests (CAT and GAT). Here are key points about the NIFT 2025 Situation Test.

  • The situation test is a hands-on test that will evaluate the candidate’s skills for material handling and innovative ability in a given situation with a given set of materials.
  • The candidate will have to make a model/design using the given material.
  • Using any other material except those provided inside the exam venue is prohibited.
  • The model will be evaluated on space visualization, innovative and creative use of given material, the composition of elements, color scheme, construction skill, the finesse of the model and overall presentation, etc. These parameters will be checked with the write-up explaining the concept behind the model constructed. 
  • The write-up should be in English. No marks will be given for write-ups in any other language. 
  • The candidate shouldn’t disclose their identity in any way; trying to do so could lead to disqualification.
  • The situation test will be evaluated on the SPOT. Also, note that the model will not be preserved for future reference.

NIFT Syllabus for Personal Interview

The PI will evaluate the following skills of the candidate.

  • Career orientation 
  • Aptness for the course 
  • Overall personal achievements in academics and co-curricular activities 
  • Communication 
  • General awareness and aptitude, creative and lateral thinking 

How to download NIFT Syllabus?

To easily access the NIFT 2025 syllabus on, follow these steps:

  1. Perform a search for “NIFT 2025 syllabus” and navigate to the relevant page.
  2. Click on the provided link for the NIFT exam syllabus to open the document.
  3. Once the document is open, click on the “Download PDF” link to obtain the syllabus for the National Institute of Fashion Technology Entrance Examination.

Ensure thorough preparation by studying all the topics outlined in the syllabus for this Fashion and Design entrance exam. Additionally, enhance your readiness by solving NIFT previous year question papers to familiarize yourself with the types of questions that may be encountered in the NIFT exam, along with understanding the chapter-wise weightage. It is recommended to study all the topics listed in the NIFT Entrance Examination syllabus using NIFT 2025 Preparation Books.

NIFT Entrance Exam Weightage

Bachelor of Design (B.Des)CAT50%
Situation Test20%
Master of Design (M.Des)CAT40%
Bachelor of Fashion TechnologyGAT100%
Master of Fashion TechnologyGAT70%
Master of Fashion ManagementGAT70%
NIFT Entrance Exam Weightage

Exam Pattern

GAT Question Paper – B.F.Tech, M.F.Tech, M.F.Tech

Structure of NIFT GAT Question Paper – B.F.Tech, M.F.Tech, M.F.Tech

The M.F.Tech question paper will also include questions from the engineering field.

Language of the Written TestEnglish/HindiEnglish/HindiEnglish/Hindi
Test duration 180 minutes180 minutes180 minutes
SectionsNo. of QuestionsNo. of QuestionsNo. of Questions
Communication Ability & English Comprehension454550
Case Study 25 25 40
Quantitative Ability303010
Analytical & Logical Ability252525
General Knowledge And Current Affairs252525
Structure of NIFT GAT Question Paper – B.F.Tech, M.F.Tech, M.F.Tech

GAT Question Paper – B.Des and M.Des

The candidate seeking admission to the B.Des and M.Des courses has to first appear in the GAT and CAT papers. The exam pattern for the GAT is given below.

Language of the written testEnglish/HindiEnglish/Hindi
Test duration120 minutes120 minutes
Sections Number of QuestionsNumber of Questions
Communication Ability 2530
English Comprehension 2530
Quantitative Ability 2020
Analytical Ability1525
General Knowledge and Current Affairs1515
GAT Question Paper – B.Des and M.Des


The NIFT Entrance Examination is an institute-level fashion and design entrance exam conducted by the National Institute of Fashion Technology. The purpose of this exam is to facilitate admissions to various programs such as B.Des, B.FTech, M.Des, M.F.M., and M.FTech offered at NIFT campuses across multiple locations, including Delhi, Chennai, Gandhinagar, Kolkata, Hyderabad, Mumbai, Bengaluru, Bhopal, Bhubneshwar, Jodhpur, Kangra, Kannur, Patna, Raebareli, and Shillong. Comprehensive information about the exam can be found on

NIFT Syllabus – An Overview

Name of ExamNIFT Entrance Examination
Full FormNational Institute of Fashion Technology Entrance Examination
Study material HereSyllabus of NIFT Entrance Examination
Similar ExamsFashion and Design Entrance Exams
Official Body for Exam and Its SyllabusNIFT
Full Name of BodyNational Institute of Fashion Technology
Level of ExaminationInstitute Level
States of Region Where Institutes Accepting Exam Scores AreMadhya Pradesh, Odisha, Rajasthan, Jammu Kashmir, Kerala, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Gujarat, Telangana, West Bengal, Maharashtra, Delhi, NCR, Bihar, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Meghalaya, Northeast
Exam and Syllabus Official
Courses Where Admission Is Through This ExamB.Des, B.FTech, M.Des, M.F.M., M.FTech
Colleges Where Admission Is Through This ExamNIFT campuses in Delhi, Chennai, Gandhinagar, Kolkata, Hyderabad, Mumbai, Bengaluru, Bhopal, Bhubneshwar, Jodhpur, Kangra, Kannur, Patna, Raebareli and Shillong
NIFT Syllabus – An Overview

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