IIT JAM Admitting Institutes
IIT JAM Admitting Institutes

For those considering the field of science, technology, and mathematics, the Indian Institutes of Technology Joint Admission Test for Masters (IIT JAM) serves as a gateway to esteemed colleges across the country. In this article, we’ll delve into the top colleges in India that accept IIT JAM scores for admissions in 2023. From cutting-edge research facilities to world-class faculty, these institutions offer students an exceptional learning experience that paves the way for future success.

The IIT JAM examination evaluates a student’s understanding of various science and technology subjects and forms the basis for admission to postgraduate programs.

There are around 3000 seats in postgraduate programmes at 21 IITs for the academic year 2024-25. JAM 2024 Score will be used to admit the candidates subject to satisfying the Eligibility Requirements (ERs) and Minimum Educational Qualifications (MEQs) and any other necessary requirements, without any additional interview or written test.

IIT JAM Admitting Institutes

Admitting InstitutesWebsiteE-mail IDPhone
IIT Bhilaihttps://www.iitbhilai.ac.in[email protected](0771) 2973624
IIT Bhubaneswarhttps://www.iitbbs.ac.in[email protected]
[email protected]
(0674) 7134462
(0674) 7135136
IIT Bombayhttps://www.iitb.ac.in[email protected](022) 25767068
IIT Delhihttps://home.iitd.ac.in/[email protected](011) 26591749
IIT (ISM) Dhanbadhttp://www.iitism.ac.in[email protected](0326) 2235265
(0326) 2235266
(0326) 2235662
IIT Gandhinagarhttps://www.iitgn.ac.in[email protected](079) 23952051
IIT Guwahatihttps://www.iitg.ac.in[email protected](0361) 2582751
IIT Hyderabadhttps://www.iith.ac.in[email protected](040) 23016082
IIT Indorehttps://www.iiti.ac.in[email protected]
[email protected]
(0731) 6603598
(0731) 6603150
IIT Jammuhttps://www.iitjammu.ac.in[email protected](0191) 2570633
IIT Jodhpurhttps://www.iitj.ac.in[email protected](0291) 2801141
IIT Kanpurhttps://iitk.ac.in[email protected](0512) 6797412
IIT Kharagpurhttps://www.iitkgp.ac.in[email protected](03222) 282091/95
IIT Madrashttps://www.iitm.ac.in[email protected](044) 22578200
IIT Mandihttps://www.iitmandi.ac.in[email protected]
[email protected]
(01905) 267828
(01905) 267058
IIT Palakkadhttps://iitpkd.ac.in[email protected](04923) 226567
IIT Patnahttps://www.iitp.ac.in[email protected](06115) 233028
(06115) 233697
(06115) 233773
IIT Roorkeehttps://www.iitr.ac.in[email protected](01332) 284531
IIT Roparhttps://www.iitrpr.ac.in[email protected](01881) 231111
(01881) 231114
(01881) 231110
IIT Tirupatihttps://iittp.ac.in[email protected](0877) 2503531
IIT (BHU) Varanasihttps://www.iitbhu.ac.in[email protected]09454820126
IIT JAM Admitting Institutes

IIT JAM Participating Institutes- NITs, CFTIs for MSc Admissions

Here is a list of colleges under IIT JAM for the aspirants to go through:

S. No.Institute
1Dr. B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar
2Malaviya National Institute of Technology, Jaipur
3Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology, Bhopal
4Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology, Allahabad
5National Institute of Technology, Agartala
6National Institute of Technology, Calicut
7National Institute of Technology, Durgapur
8National Institute of Technology, Hamirpur
9National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal
10National Institute of Technology, Meghalaya
11National Institute of Technology, Nagaland
12National Institute of Technology, Sikkim
13National Institute of Technology, Jamshedpur
14National Institute of Technology, Manipur
15National Institute of Technology, Rourkela
16National Institute of Technology, Silchar
17National Institute of Technology, Srinagar
18National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli
19National Institute of Technology, Warangal
20Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology, Nagpur
21Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering & Technology, Longowal
22Indian Institute of Engineering Science & Technology Shibpur
IIT JAM Participating Institutes- NITs, CFTIs for MSc Admissions

More IIT JAM Participating Institutes

S.No.Other IIT JAM Scores Accepting Institutes
1Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research (JNCASR)
2IISER, Bhopal
3IISER, Pune
4IISER, Tirupati
More IIT JAM Participating Institutes


IIT JAM is a National level Science entrance exam organized by the Indian Institute of Technology Madras. The primary objective of this exam is to facilitate admission to various prestigious institutions, including IITs, CFTIs (such as NITs), IISc, DIAT, IIEST, IISER, IIPE, JNCASR, and SLIET. The offered programs include M.Sc, M.Sc (Tech), Joint M.Sc-PhD, M.Sc-PhD Dual Degree, M.Sc-M.Tech Dual Degree, and MS Research.

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IIT JAM – An Overview

Name of ExamJAM
JAM Full FormJoint Admission Test for Masters
More Exams Of This TypeScience Entrance Exams
Scale Of This ExamNational Level
State or Region For Which This Exam Is Most RelevantIndia
(note – this does not indicate domicile requirement.
it only refers to states or regions where score
accepting colleges are situated)
Organization That Holds This ExamIIT Madras
IIT Madras Full FormIndian Institute of Technology Madras
Official Websitejam.iitm.ac.in
Programs or Courses Where Admission Is Through This TestM.Sc, M.Sc (Tech), Joint M.Sc-PhD, M.Sc-PhD Dual Degree, M.Sc-M.Tech Dual Degree, MS Research
Colleges or Universities Where Admission Is Through This TestIITs, CFTIs including NITs, IISc, DIAT, IIEST, IISER, IIPE, JNCASR, SLIET
Minimum Educational QualificationGraduation
Test PapersBiotechnology, Chemistry, Economics, Geology, Mathematics, Mathematical Statistics, and Physics
Exam Center Cities100
Mode of ExamComputer Based Test
Type of QuestionsMultiple Choice Questions (MCQs), Multiple Select Questions (MSQs) , Numerical Answer Type (NAT) 
Number of Questions60 
Total Marks100 
Marking SchemeMCQs: +1, -1/3; +2, -2/3
MSQs: +2, 0
NATs: +1, 0; +2, 0
Exam Duration3 hours
IIT JAM – An Overview


How many institutes are offering MSc courses through JAM admission ?

There are a total of 22 institutes that are offering MSc course admission through this entrance test.

How many seats are available in IIT JAM?

There are around 3000 seats in the various courses through the IIT JAM entrance exam.

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