CMC Ludhiana M.Sc Nursing Result
CMC Ludhiana M.Sc Nursing Result

CMC Ludhiana M.Sc Nursing Result 2025 is announced as per scheduled result date at by CMC Ludhiana. You can access the CMC Ludhiana M.Sc Nursing AWCMC Ludhiana M.Sc Nursing Result 2025 DateT result for all candidates on If you participated in the Christian Medical College Ludhiana Master of Science in Nursing Admission Written Test, you can verify your CMC Ludhiana M.Sc Nursing result using the direct link provided on this page. The result will display your score and rank obtained in the CMC Ludhiana M.Sc Nursing AWT.

CMC Ludhiana M.Sc Nursing Result 2025: Check at

CMC Ludhiana M.Sc Nursing Result

CMC Ludhiana M.Sc Nursing Result 2025 Link – Click here to check the result.

CMC Ludhiana M.Sc Nursing Result 2025 Date

Exam EventEvent Date
Exam DateAs per CMC Ludhiana
CMC Ludhiana M.Sc Nursing 2025 Result DateAs per CMC Ludhiana
CMC Ludhiana M.Sc Nursing 2025 Result TimeAs per CMC Ludhiana
CMC Ludhiana M.Sc Nursing Result 2025 Date

How to check CMC Ludhiana M.Sc Nursing Result?

If you have taken the Christian Medical College Ludhiana Master of Science in Nursing Admission Written Test, you can proceed to check your result using a computer or mobile phone with internet access. While the exact steps may vary depending on how CMC Ludhiana publishes results on, the following simple steps should guide you through the process:

Step 1: Visit

Step 2: Look for the CMC Ludhiana M.Sc Nursing result link and click on it.

Step 3: If prompted, enter your login details on the CMC Ludhiana M.Sc Nursing AWT login page.

Step 4: Once logged in, you should be able to view your score and rank in the CMC Ludhiana M.Sc Nursing exam. You can also print the result in PDF format.

However, please note that if CMC Ludhiana publishes the CMC Ludhiana M.Sc Nursing results as a merit list, you will receive a PDF directly. In that case, you should locate your name or roll number within the CMC Ludhiana M.Sc Nursing merit list or result PDF to find your score and rank.

CMC Ludhiana M.Sc Nursing

The Master of Science in Nursing Admission Written Test (M.Sc Nursing AWT) at Christian Medical College Ludhiana (CMC Ludhiana) is an institute-level entrance exam for nursing. Conducted by CMC Ludhiana, it facilitates admission to the M.Sc Nursing program.

Quick Links:

CMC Ludhiana M.Sc Nursing Result – Overview

Name of ExamCMC Ludhiana M.Sc Nursing
Full form of CMC Ludhiana M.Sc NursingChristian Medical College Ludhiana Master of Science in Nursing Admission Written Test
Official body Christian Medical College Ludhiana (CMC Ludhiana)
Type of Exam for which you fill application formNursing Entrance Exam
Level of ExamInstitute
Official Website
Courses for which CMC Ludhiana M.Sc Nursing AWT exam is heldM.Sc Nursing
Colleges for which CMC Ludhiana M.Sc Nursing AWT exam is heldCMC Ludhiana
CMC Ludhiana M.Sc Nursing Result – Overview

Official website

The official website is

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