President APJ Abdul Kalam Postgraduate Fellowship

Scholarship Details

This Postgraduate Fellowship is announced in honor of President A.P.J. Kalam President Kalam was a strong advocate for young people and a passionate supporter of clean energy and energy independence. He visited the University of South Florida (USF) in 2012 and is remembered affectionately by USF and the vibrant Indian heritage community in Tampa Bay, Florida. The notification for President APJ Abdul Kalam Postgraduate Fellowship 2016 has been announced.


=> The student award will be offered to an Indian graduate student seeking to pursue a PhD degree in the following subject/discipline at the University of South Florida: Applied Anthropology; Applied Physics; Business PhD programs; Cell Biology, Microbiology & Molecular Biology; Chemistry; Computer Science & Engg; Criminology; Integrative Biology; Marine Science; Psychology

Scholarship Amount

The University of South Florida will:
=> Waive all tuition for a total of up to four years,
=> Contribute a stipend of $18,000 over the nine months of the fall and spring semesters ($2,000 per month) for up to four years
=> The Provost’s Office will pay a nine month stipend for the first year with the dept./college contributing a teaching/research assistantship for up to an additional three years
=> The total stipend amount will be payable by USF once the winner of the President A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Postgraduate Fellowship
=> All other costs (e.g., airfare, housing at USF, etc.) will be met by the awardee

Application Procedure

All candidates must have submitted a USF graduate application and established a university ID number at the USF graduate admissions portal
Once admitted to USF the awardee will comply with all USF regulations, processes and procedures and all applicable law. Upon completion of online application, candidates must scan the following materials and email them to [email protected]:
A letter expressing interest describing his/her academic success and area of intended study
a. Curriculum Vitae
b. Statement of research and evidence of scholarly activity
c. Three letters of recommendation on academic and/or professional letterhead
d. Postgraduate Fellowship Form.

Visit for more information. Submit all materials to [email protected] by 01st March 2016

Last Date

Last Date of Submission of Application Form:

Contact Details

University of South Florida
4202 E. Fowler Avenue,
CGS 101, Tampa,
FL 33620,
USA – 813-974-5528,

Email: [email protected]
