Netaji Subhash National Institute of Sports Scholarships
This scheme aims at recognizing achievements of young sports persons and their outstanding performance at the national, state and Inter University levels.
Important Dates
i) The scholarships will be awarded on the basis of sports performance in recognized competitions held between the previous calendar year.
ii) A candidate in full time employment will not be eligible for the award.
iii) A scholarship holder shall not receive any other sports scholarship from any other source and should not be inmate of sports hostel of SAI/State Govt. In case the scholarship holder is already in receipt of any such award/ facility, he/she will have to surrender that in order to avail himself/herself of the benefits of this scholarship. A selected candidate may however, enjoy merit scholarship for studies other than sports scholarship and /or fee concession if given by the school in which he/she studies.
iv) The applicant shall apply only in one discipline in which he / she had achieved highest performance.
v) If the dates of competitions or timing / distance / height / weight / points etc. achieved are not mentioned in the certificate, the applicant may obtain the same from concerned agency & enclose the same to the application failing which the application will NOT be considered.
vi) The scholarship awarded under the scheme will be of one year duration and will be renewable from year to year provided the awardees improving/maintaining the proficiency in game concerned, passing last annual examination and fulfilling other eligibility conditions. However, one failure in studies can be condoned in the entire duration of his/her scholarship.
vii) The awardees should submit a new application on prescribed proforma for the renewal of scholarship every year failing which it will be stopped even if one is eligible.
viii) The head of school / college / department will certify the correctness of contents of application filled in by the candidate.
How to Apply
The enthusiastic applicants who wish to apply for NSNIS Scholarships from NSNIS can readily avail the application form by downloading it from the official website of NSNIS or can be obtained from the organization by sending them a request for the application form in a self addressed envelope affixed with a stamp of appropriate value before the last date for obtaining the application form.
Last Date
The last date for application is
Contact Details
Sports Authority of India
Netaji Subhas National Institute of Sports
Patiala-147001 (India)
Email:[email protected]
Tele fax:-0175-2321253