Asutosh Mookerjee Fellowships of ISCA 2019
Asutosh Mookerjee Fellowships 2019 – Indian Science Congress Association (ISCA) has instituted 10 senior Fellowships in the name of Asutosh Mookerjee Fellowships in the Centenary year to utilize the services of the Life Members of the Association who are active in high-quality research in their specialized disciplines but have superannuated from their service.
- The objective is to utilize the expertise of ISCA Members after superannuation primarily for research work in some R&D center/ university /colleges/ institutes in India.
Important Dates
- Application Deadline: 15th July 2019
- The fellowship is open to ISCA Life Members who have superannuated and are between the age of 65 to 70 years.
- The Applicant should possess a Ph.D. in science/Engineering or MD in medicine.
- The fellowship is meant for those who have a proven track record as evident from their Research publications and recognition.
Number of Fellowships
- The number of Fellowships to be selected each year shall be decided by the Executive Committee from the panel recommended by the Selection Committee, to be constituted by Executive Committee.
- Usually, the number of Scientists to be selected each year will be based on the availability of vacancies and funds available with the Association. The total number of Fellowships at a time should not be more than 10.
How to Apply
- Nominations for the position shall be invited from the Life Members of the Association.
- The nomination papers duly completed in all respects signed, and routed through the Head of the Institution, where a scientist intends to work, should be sent to the General Secretary (Membership Affairs), so as to reach latest by July 15, 2019.
- Nomination form can be downloaded from
Last Date
The last date for application is 15th July 2019.
Contact Details
General Secretary (Membership Affairs), Indian Science Congress Association, 14 Biresh Guha Street, Kolkata 700 017, Phone: 033 22874530, Email: [email protected]