SGT University, Gurgaon

SGT University Diploma in Operation Theatre Technology (DOTT) First Year Examination Question Paper July 2014 -Introductory Biology

Updated on Tue, 09 June 2015 at 17:45 IST

Roll No. ______________ 0506-8/2017 DIPLOMA in MLT/ RIT/ OTT - 1st YEAR – JULY 2014 INTRODUCTORY BIOLOGY Paper Codes: 0506105/0507107/0508105 Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 80 Note: 1. Write Roll No. on the Question Paper. 2. Marks are indicated against each question. 3. Draw the diagram wherever required. Part- I (COMPULSORY) Answer All the following questions (Short Answers): Q.1 Genetic drift. (02) Q.2 Holoenzyme. (02) Q.3 Speciation. (02) Q.4 Protoplasm. (02) Q.5 Pinocytosis. (02) Q.6 Mutation. (02) Q.7 Vitamins. (02) Q.8 Facilitated diffusion. (02) Q.9 Linkage. (02) Q.10 DNA. (02) Part- II Answer Any Eight of the following questions (Long Answers): Q.11 What is the role of biology in dispelling myths and misbeliefs. (05) Q.12 Difference between E.R. and Golgi complex. (05) Q.13 Lock and key hypothesis of the enzyme. (05) Q.14 Draw a well labeled diagram of mitochondria. (05) Q.15 Sex linked inheritance with example. (05) Q.16 Fat soluble vitamins along with their deficiency disorder. (05) Q.17 Mendel’s Law of Inheritance with example. (05) Q.18 Salient features of cockroach morphology. (05) Q.19 Darwin theory of evolution. (05) Q.20 Mechanism of replication in prokaryotes. (05) Part- III Answer Any Two of the following questions (Essay Type): Q.21 Distinguish between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell. (10) Q.22 All the proposed theory of origin of life. (10) Q.23 Five kingdom system of classification along with their merits and demerits. (10) ************************************************************************************************* Roll No. ______________ 0508/2041 DIPLOMA IN OPERATION THEATRE TECHNOLOGY - 1st YEAR – JULY 2014 BASIC SURGERY Paper Codes: 0508101 Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 80 Note: 1.Write Roll No. on the Question Paper. 2.Marks are indicated against each question. 3.Draw the diagram wherever required. Part- I (COMPULSORY) Answer all the following questions (Short Answers): Q.1 Tetanus immunization. (02) Q.2 Sinus. (02) Q.3 Types of Plaster Cast. (02) Q.4 Figure of ‘8’ bandage. (02) Q.5 Suction Machine. (02) Q.6 Dressing in head injury. (02) Q.7 Signs of head injury. (02) Q.8 Basic life support. (02) Q.9 ATLS. (02) Q.10 Care and use of motorized surgical instruments. (02) Part- II Answer any Eight of the following questions (Long Answers): Q.11 NSV (No Scalpel Vasectomy) instruments. (05) Q.12 Instruments used in hernia surgery. (05) Q.13 Care of ventilators. (05) Q.14 Prevention of hospital infection in Ward. (05) Q.15 Care of multi-trauma patients in casualty. (05) Q.16 Thyroid swelling. (05) Q.17 Central venous line. (05) Q.18 Types and management of tracheostomy tube. (05) Q.19 Tube thoracostomy. (05) Q.20 Technique of urethral catheterization in males. (05) Part- III Answer any Two of the following questions (Essay Type): Q.21 Different plaster casts in lower limb fracture. (10) Q.22 Types of Electrocautery. (10) Q.23 Management of cervical injury patients in transportation. (10) ****************************************************************************** Roll No. ______________ 0508/2042 DIPLOMA IN OPERATION THEATRE TECHNOLOGY - 1st YEAR – JULY 2014 BASIC ANAESTHESIA EQUIPMENTS AND DRUGS Paper Codes: 0508102 Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 80 Note: 1.Write Roll No. on the Question Paper. 2.Marks are indicated against each question. 3.Draw the diagram wherever required. Part- I (COMPULSORY) Answer All the following questions (Short Answers): Q.1 Laryngoscopes. (02) Q.2 Endotracheal Tube. (02) Q.3 Laryngeal Mask Airway (LMA). (02) Q.4 Oropharyngeal Airway. (02) Q.5 Magill’s Forceps. (02) Q.6 Ambu Bag. (02) Q.7 Oxygen Cylinder. (02) Q.8 Flow Meters. (02) Q.9 Face Mask. (02) Q.10 Vaporizer. (02) Part- II Answer Any Eight of the following questions (Long Answers): Q.11 Intravenous anaesthetic agents. (05) Q.12 Anti-Sialagogues (Atropine & Glucopyrrolate) (05) Q.13 Non-Depolarizing Neuro-Muscular Blocking Agents. (05) Q.14 Opioid Analgesics. (05) Q.15 Inhalational anaesthetic agents. (05) Q.16 Vasopressors. (05) Q.17 Lignocaine and Bupivacaine. (05) Q.18 Antiemetic agents. (05) Q.19 Depolarizing Neuro-Muscular Blocking Agents. (05) Q.20 Temperature Monitoring. (05) Part- III Answer any Two of the following questions (Essay Type): Q.21 Preparations for conducting general anaesthesia in an adult patient. (10) Q.22 Drugs and equipments used in resuscitation. (10) Q.23 Post-Anaesthesia Care Unit (PACU) (Recovery Room). (10) ****************************************************************************** Roll No. ______________ 0508/2043 DIPLOMA IN OPERATION THEATRE TECHNOLOGY - 1st YEAR – JULY 2014 SURGICAL EQUIPMENTS & MACHINERY Paper Codes: 0508103 Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 80 Note: 1.Write Roll No. on the Question Paper. 2.Marks are indicated against each question. 3.Draw the diagram wherever required. Part- I (COMPULSORY) Answer All the following questions (Short Answers): Q.1 Urinary Catheter. (02) Q.2 Kocher’s Forceps. (02) Q.3 Thyroid position. (02) Q.4 Eye bandage. (02) Q.5 Bipolar cautery. (02) Q.6 Oral airway. (02) Q.7 Sphygmomanometer (B.P. instrument). (02) Q.8 Mosquito forceps. (02) Q.9 Trendelenberg Position. (02) Q.10 Pulse oxymeter. (02) Part- II Answer Any Eight of the following questions (Long Answers): Q.11 Oxygen cylinders. (05) Q.12 Absorbable sutures. (05) Q.13 Local anaesthesia. (05) Q.14 ECG monitor (Cardiac Monitor). (05) Q.15 Spinal needle. (05) Q.16 Bain circuit. (05) Q.17 Tourniquet. (05) Q.18 Endotracheal Tubes. (05) Q.19 Suction machine. (05) Q.20 I.V. cannula. (05) Part- III Answer Any Two of the following questions (Essay Type): Q.21 Sterilization and maintenance of laparoscopic instruments. (10) Q.22 Parts of Operation Table and kidney position. (10) Q.23 Instruments used in abscess drainage. (10) ****************************************************************************** Roll No. ______________ 0508/2044 DIPLOMA IN OPERATION THEATRE TECHNOLOGY - 1st YEAR – JULY 2014 POST-ANAESTHESIA CARE UNIT Paper Code: 0508104 Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 80 Note: 1.Write Roll No. on the Question Paper. 2.Marks are indicated against each question. 3.Draw the diagram wherever required. Part- I (COMPULSORY) Answer all the following questions (Short Answers): Q.1 SpO2 Monitoring. (02) Q.2 Ventimask. (02) Q.3 Hypotension: Causes and management. (02) Q.4 Insertion of Ryle’s tube. (02) Q.5 I.V. cannulation. (02) Q.6 Suction catheter. (02) Q.7 Oropharyngeal airway. (02) Q.8 Maintenance of equipments in PACU. (02) Q.9 Staffing in PACU. (02) Q.10 Post-operative airway obstruction. (02) Part- II Answer any Eight of the following questions (Long Answers): Q.11 Ephedrine. (05) Q.12 Disposable syringes. (05) Q.13 Voveran. (05) Q.14 Atropine. (05) Q.15 Temperature monitoring. (05) Q.16 Management of hypertension. (05) Q.17 Infusion pump. (05) Q.18 Post-operative shivering. (05) Q.19 Dopamine. (05) Q.20 Sodium Bicarbonate. (05) Part- III Answer any Two of the following questions (Essay Type): Q.21 Management of post-operative nausea and vomiting. (10) Q.22 Location of PACU. (10) Q.23 Post-operative pain relief. (10) ****************************************************************************** Roll No.: ____________________ 0501-4, 6-8/2008 BMLT/BRIT//BOTT/BOPT/DMLT/DRIT/DOTT – 1ST YEAR - JULY 2014 FUNDAMENTALS OF COMPUTER SCIENCE Paper Codes: 0501108/0502108/0503106/0504108/0506108/0507108/0508109 Time: 03 hrs. Maximum Marks: 80 Note: 1. Write Roll No. on the Question Paper. 2. Draw the diagram wherever required. Part- I (COMPULSORY) Answer all the following questions (Short Answers) Q.1 Processor. (02) Q.2 Memory Unit. (02) Q.3 Hardware. (02) Q.4 Software. (02) Q.5 Microcomputer. (02) Q.6 WAN & MAN. (02) Q.7 Operating System. (02) Q.8 System Software. (02) Q.9 Application Software. (02) Q.10 E-mail. (02) Part-II Answer any Eight of the following questions (Long Answers): Q.11 Explain generation of computers. (05) Q.12 Explain CPU & its components. (05) Q.13 Draw neat labeled block diagram of computer system and explain its components. (05) Q.14 Explain about Internet and its benefits. (05) Q.15 Explain high level language and low level language. (05) Q.16 Explain different web browsers and search engines. (05) Q.17 Conversions: Decimal to Binary. (05) (i) 2790 Binary to Decimal. (ii) 100101 Q.18 Hexadecimal to Binary. (05) (i) 7ADF Binary to Hexadecimal. (ii) 1100110101 Q.19 Octal to Binary. (05) (i) 5721 Binary to Octal. (ii) 101011101 Q.20 Explain different types of printers. (05) Part-III Answer any Two of the following questions (Essay Type): Q.21 Explain waterfall model with the help of neat diagram. (10) Q.22 Explain Hospital Information System (HIS). (10) Q.23 Explain the uses of computer in your field. (10) ****************************************************************************** Roll No.: ____________________ 0501-4, 6-8/2007 BMLT/BRIT//BOTT/BOPT/DMLT/DRIT/DOTT – 1ST YEAR - JULY 2014 COMMUNICATION SKILLS & PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT Paper Codes: 0501107/0502107/0503107/0504107/0506107/0507109/0508110 Time: 03 hrs. Maximum Marks: 75 Note: 1. Write Roll No. on the Question Paper. 2. Draw the diagram wherever required. Part- I (COMPULSORY) Answer all the following questions (Short Answers): Q.1 What is verbal communication? (02) Q.2 What is an adverb? Give any four examples. (02) Q.3 Write short note on the topic ‘Facial Expression’. (02) Q.4 Make an effective Curriculum Vitae (CV) of yourself. (02) Q.5 Transcribe the following words: Tall, Farm, Right, Sing (02) Q.6 What is communication? Why is communication so important? (02) Q.7 Make sentences using the following idioms and phrases:Of course, to pass on, crocodile tears, in good faith (02) Q.8 Fill in the blanks with prepositions. (02) a) He stood __________ the door. b) The soldier fought __________ courage. c) I took the medicine __________ fever. d) We get light __________ the sun. Q.9 Change the following sentences: (02) a) The class is too crowded to be controlled. (Remove too) b) These apples are so cheap that they can not be good. (Add too) Q.10 Fill in the blanks with question tag. (02) a) She will go home soon, ____________? b) You found your book, _____________? c) You didn’t see him, _____________? d) Uncle wasn’t driving the jeep, _____________ ? Part- II Answer any SEVEN questions (Long Answers) Q.11 Read the following passage and make précis and give a suitable title. (05) Conversation is indeed the most easily teachable of all the arts. All you need to do in order to become a good talker is to find a subject that interests you and your listener. There are, for example, numberless hobbies to talk about. But the important thing is that you must talk about the other fellow’s hobby rather than your own. Therein lies the secret of you popularity. Talk to your friends about the things that interest them, and you will get a name for good fellowship, charming wit and a brilliant mind. There is nothing that pleases people so much as your interest in their interests. It is just as important to know what subject to avoid and what subject to select for good conversation. Q.12 Respond to an advertisement for the post of ‘Radiologist’ published in ‘The Times of India, New Delhi’. (05) Q.13 What is the difference between one-way and two-way communication? (05) Q.14 Write short notes on the given topics: (05) (I) Barriers of communication. (II) Principles of communication. Q.15 Write the objectives and importance of communication. (05) Q.16 Fill in the blanks with articles. (05) a) Happiness is __________ inner state of mind. b) There is ________ dirt on ________ courage. c) The Bengali is __________ Indian language. d) He was __________ African by birth, not ________ European. e) He will drive in _________ few hours. Q.17 Change the following sentences: (05) a) He was too tired to work. (Negative) b) Arun said, “Alas! I have failed”. (Indirect Speech) c) He is not always timid. (Affirmative) d) I could not bear this justice. (Interrogative) e) What a dreadful scene! (Assertive) Q.18 Change the voice of the following sentences: (05) a) Shoot the tiger. b) They were repairing the road. c) Dhoni has kicked the ball. d) We should respect elders. e) who wrote this book? Q.19 Write short notes on: (05) (i) Gesture (ii) Eye contact. Q.20 Read the passage given below, answer the questions that follow: (05) The heart is globular, quite unlike the shape chalked on walls or curved on tree trunks at picnic sp ots. It is located in the centre of the chest, slightly to the left. The lower end is pointed and directed towards the left, but the upper part is more or less in the mind-line. There are four chambers in the heart, two above and two below. The two chambers at the top are twin-walled, for their main function is to receive blood and consequently no great muscular development is required in their walls. They are known as the atria, one in on the right and the other on the left. They have thick muscular walls, for they have to pump out blood in to blood vessels with every beat of the heart. In between the atria and ventricles are guards or values, to prevent any blood from leaking backwards. a) What shape is the human heart? b) Why are the top chambers thin-walled? c) Where are the ventricles located? Why do they have thick muscular walls? d) What is the function of heart values? e) Where are the values located? Part- III Answer any TWO questions (Essay Type): Q.21 Write a letter to the Health Officer of your district, requesting him to take immediate steps against the spread of Cholera in your town. (10) Q.22 Write an essay of about 300 words on the given topic: “Polio Eradication”. (10) Q.23 Describe non-verbal communication methods. (10) -

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